Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Missing the Point (again)....

Democratic Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi continues to incoherently harp about the ongoing financial crisis in an effort to extract political advantage for her party and the Obama campaign by chiding McCain and the Republicans that the issue is about "main street" not "wall street" as if only she, her Party and Obama can advance the interests of all middle class Americans.

No madam Speaker, it's not just about "main street" either - the crisis is about "every American street". It's about ALL of us; regardless of economic class, advantage or disadvantage. It's not just about dealing with the financial industry's woes, or the captains of industry, or the average person and their savings security, or in money market vulnerabilities, or foreclosures or whatever myriad other things that flit into your mind and you want to lay blame for and at the Republicans' and current administration's doorstep - it is about what comes in the aftermath of the resolution of the turmoil on wall street - it is about the future health and vitality of commerce for the nation - and based upon Obama's gigantic and oppressively "tax and spend" plan, which you endorse and support - if our future has to cope with that ill-advised burden too, then the future's looking pretty bleak.

Epitomizing Nancy Pelosi and her office, one Washington insider described the "arrogance that comes from perennial re-election", as preventing, in part, bi-partisan efforts and solutions for the nation's problems; so, after failing miserably while leading a "do-nothing" Democratically controlled House of Representatives, please, please, please spare us your shrill cries now for reform.

And when it comes to meting out responsibility for the current financial crisis why don't you serve up a sizable portion for yourself and your cohorts in the Congress for enabling the entire mess with your pandering to the greed and excess of the GSE's (governmnet sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac) all the while as a $56,000 beneficiary of their lobbying.

After all, YOU could choose to rise above politics and do your own job, and not your Party's.

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