Friday, January 25, 2013

Obama, Harry Reid, Superstorm Sandy Aid....Hey ! We'll get around to it.

At the same time the House of Representatives was deliberating financial aid for Superstorm Sandy victims, Barrack Obama /jarrett signed legislation giving himself secret service protection for life.

It's now 10 days after the House approved the aid AND HARRY REID has yet to call a vote on the same measure in the Senate.

You might also recall that Obama /jarrett in media coverage BEFORE the election promised he would follow through on his promise to make sure our government "was there" in support for the superstorm victims.

Yeah, Obama sure made it sound like we're gonna take care of you folks because it was the right thing to do; damn the expense and effort cause it's urgent we restore your lives and community; and, by God we can, and so can you, count on Obama being fully behind the commitment to do it ! 

So let's get this straight .... while the homeless in Staten Island and elsewhere due to the storm, FREEZE their asses off, Obama fails to make good on his promises by letting that SOB Reid sit on his own fat ass and delay the vote in the Senate.

And then last week Obama preoccupied with his inauguration blew at least $170 million of treasury for himself and his friends to celebrate his election with a big blowout party - while the victims wait. 

At least maybe someone at FEMA remembered to set up communal flat screen TV's so everyone up there could watch the inaugural and parade - that would have been such a thoughtful and surely appreciated touch.

Hell... thinking about it, it's clear now why the Senators couldn't vote, they were all at the inaugural services and the parties afterwards !

"And I don't want you to worry, once we get other priorities out of the way, like me making sure my own ass is taken care of for life with secret service protection, we're gonna jump right back on the effort to help all you needy folks in New Jersey, and New York.

Honest, I promise.....unless something else comes up !"

Obama, The Art of the Lie ..... All Comfy and Cozy While Staten Island Freezes

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