Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Obama Chose Bronze .... Big Deal !

Barack Obama yesterday on the last day for enrollments through the Washington DC health insurance exchange registered and selected a "Bronze" health insurance plan - the lowest featured plan available with a monthly premium cost of $400.

The White House was quick to point out that though Obama will pay the premium each month this was only a symbolic gesture on his part in that he and his family receive and will continue to receive their medical care through the US Military at taxpayer expense not through the private insurance plan he's just purchased.

Ok ... it's symbolic of what ?

That he's in the same "boat" as the rest of us due to the Obamacare burdens, including forthcoming cost increases, job losses, poor delivery of health care services due to provider shortages, and long queues to get those services ?

Only I guess if you naively believe that privileged and politically connected people won't get favorable access and consideration and assistance ahead of you and me.

That the government mandated private health insurance plans are good enough for all of us including Obama ?

Got  news for you - the US government in no way believes that a Bronze or any other private insurance product is adequate or sufficient to protect the health of Obama or his family. It's not going to happen. Period.

That Obama is going to spend $400 each month on something useless and of no practical value since he won't utilize it anyway ?

 Well, yeah ..... that IS pretty much symbolic of his entire administration isn't it as he and his cohorts continue to drain and piss away the taxes of US taxpayers.

Thanks .... I got the message real loud and clear !

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