Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pope Francis ...will he excommunicate Pelosi and Biden ?

I'm not holding my breath BUT if Pope Francis genuinely wanted the Church's doctrine on the sanctity of life and its opposition to abortion understood in this country he would take this opportunity on his historic visit to the United States to do something equally historic and profound.

Since the Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wade an estimated 57 million unborn children have lost their lives thanks to pro-abortion proxies like Nancy Pelsoi, Joe Biden and Planned Parenthood.

A public Papal condemnation of Planned Parenthood is justifiable as is the public Excommunication of Biden and Pelosi from the Catholic Church.

In the aftermath, every Catholic politician in the country presently favoring and supporting abortion would hastily maneuver to abandon their positions and rhetoric !

Instead this morning before a joint session of  Congress the Pope implored the assembled politicians with ...."(we) have a responsibility to defend and protect life at every stage of its development." 

Tepid remarks that were immediately and woefully lost on every liberal in the room.

Pope Francis, if you will not speak more eloquently and forcefully for the right to life of future unborn children - then WHO will?

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