Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obama's 3 Letters ...

The CEO of a large company upon retirement had some advice for his replacement when he was confronted with a management crisis.

"In my desk drawer are 3 letters – when crisis hits read the 1st letter and follow the advice." said the retiring CEO.

Sure enough, the day came when the first crisis unfolded and the new CEO read letter #1. The advice written in it was, “Blame your predecessor.”

The new CEO did as counseled and amazingly, the crisis soon passed.

Not long after, another crisis fell upon the company and the new CEO recalling how well the first had been resolved opened the 2nd letter. It read, “ Blame the economy.”

That crisis, too, soon abated.

Finally, a third crisis fell upon the company and the new CEO, emboldened with his earlier successes, confidently opened the 3rd letter.

It read, “Prepare 3 letters.”

Does anyone, after Obama’s oil spill speech last evening need anymore, to convince them that this guy is unable to focus on a critical task at hand and is only good at slinging a load of BS?

Mr. “I won’t rest until this mess is cleaned up”, Mr. “The buck stops here!”, and Mr. “It’s my job; I’m responsible!”

How many times do we tolerate his failures? C’mon, is Obama even credible anymore?

The leadership we need sooner rather than later from Obama:

Stop your political manipulations and maybe you can find the resolve to stop the leak. Stop the social and personal distractions on your calendar and maybe you can find the time and sense of urgency to effectively administer the cleanup of this mess. Stop blaming others for your failures and maybe you can re-establish some trust in your administration. Stop the green utopian jobs, pipedream crap and your cockeyed socialism and maybe for a change really, truly promote the economic recovery and relief America desperately needs.

If all we can expect from Obama is the performance we’ve seen from him to date, God help us all, when he gets that 3:00 AM phone call.

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