Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thank God For The Party Of "Nope"....

Tax and Spend Democrats, or, The Party of "Dopes" got a surprise this morning with the revelation that Obama's chief spokesperson for his economic council, Christine Romer has determined that there is no "magic fix" for the economy. But rather, effective stimulation of the economy will now require the production of sufficient aggregate demand through both spending and less taxation.

Well, Romer's finally got half of it right now. But imagine the consternation of the Democrats when they learned of becoming the Party of "Tax LESS and Spend". Sounds suspiciously like a bunch of Liberal Republicans!

Romer's announcement comes on the heels of an exhortation by the White House to Congress to do something ... anything ... immediately to stem the tide of bad economic news, "C'mon guys, give us Democrats some political cover so we can maneuver for the November elections.".

Romer didn't specify which part, Tax Less, or Spend, needed to be emphasized the most. But all of this flies in the face of her's, Obama's and the Democrat's advance rhetoric for passage of the unprecedented and unfunded Stimulus, or "Spendulus" Bill. It bears repeating here - we were told by these folks that the gargantuan $826 billion spending spree was the magic necessary to right the economy and restore jobs. Only the spending bill could do it - there was an outright rejection of less taxation or even a passing thought about exploding deficits and their consequences.

To the contrary on a regular basis economics wizard, VP, Joe Biden enthusiastically points to the incredible and remarkable success of the bill despite the fact that 14.6 million Americans remain out of work and the unemployment rate has barely moved off the 10% rate that existed prior to its passage. Hey Buddy, got a job, yet? No? Well don't sweat it, smokin' Joe says everything's fine.".

Meanwhile, Obama flits back and forth indecisively and can't seem to make up his mind about what IS the first priority of his Administration - Health Care Reform, wait no, it's Cap & Trade, uhh no, the war in Iraq, nope on Tuesday it's finally the Economy, but that was yesterday too, today, well, it's the Peace between Israel and Palestine. 

Here's something to help you focus Obama - "GET ME A JOB !"

You may recall that before Stimulus passage Republicans argued for Employer payroll tax cuts. They said it would provide incentives to keep people employed and create new job hires. They also wanted Employee payroll taxes cut so that paychecks were larger and workers could pay their bills and spend the money sustaining and creating jobs through consumer demand. These steps, Republicans said would be more efficient and immediately more productive than a Stimulus bill phased in over 3 years.

Obama's response, "we don't need to return to the failed policies of the past", and the Republicans, "don't offer any new ideas, they're the Party of "Nope".

Now though having foolishly squandered our treasury on such "worthy job creating" projects as new habitat for San Francisco Bay area rodents, international ant research, voter opinions, road signage announcing the stimulus, interstate highway overpasses for turtles, contraceptives and a home range for wild mustangs and thousands of other languishing liberal wish list projects, it appears that those "miserable failed policies of the past", eg. less taxes, might have been a more effective means of restoring the economy and jobs all along. Golly Gee, imagine that!

And it begs the question; when there was such a clear choice; put the money directly into the paychecks of American workers or piss it away on a washtub full of unfulfilled liberal dreams and schemes why did Obama and Pelosi not choose to help American workers directly? What is it that they don't trust about Mr. and Mrs. and Ms. America keeping more of their earnings immediately?

Could it possibly be Obama and Pelosi understand that the average person having more money in a paycheck from smaller payroll taxes might come to the realization that the US government doesn't need to have its hands so deeply in American pockets after all? And with that revelation, the American taxpayer may not want to ever re-start giving it back when the economy turns around.

My God, what a radical thought - smaller government simply because the US government has to do what every American family already does - learn to do more with less.

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