Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Obama, The Sharpest Pencil In The Box, He Ain't ....Part 2

If asked to rank the terrorist attacks on 9.11.2001 in severity most Americans could probably quickly come to agreement the Pennsylvania crash site was 3rd, The Pentagon 2nd, and the World Trade Center towers the most disastrous of the three.

As a consequence it doesn't require a degree in rocket science to come up with any insight as to which of the 3 memorial services probably has the most importance, at least superficially, to most Americans.

Obama, with the full prowess of his mighty intellect on display and bolstered by his keen insight of what's important to the American public, has decided for the 2nd year in a row NOT to attend the ground zero memorial service in NYC. Yep, apparently this year's lame excuse is the man's running scared of the ground zero mosque protesters or maybe it's just an expedient and what ultimately will prove to be another foolish political decision on his part.


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