Wednesday, September 8, 2010

In 2012 They'll Throw Him Under The Bus ... One Term Obama

You can pretty much forget about whether the majority of Americans care one way or the other about the philosophical and ideological debates, gyrations and contortions of the right and the left. What they care about most, all other things equal, and certainly at election time during periods of economic distress is "how fast money is either flowing into or out of my pocketbook!".

And witnessing the steady erosion of Obama's and The Party of Dopes popularity it's pretty clear most Americans now firmly believe it's the latter injury. They are fed up with the irresponsible handling of the nation's treasury by the present Washington leadership. They are now convinced after nearly 2 years, Obama and company sold them a bill of goods and failed miserably at delivering the same.

The general perception is if Obama doesn't "get it" with respect to their economic plight then he must not really care or give a damn about them - either way, political poison for Obama and the Democrats in the upcoming mid-term congressional elections this November.

What Obama has vaguely come to understand is he's now very vulnerable of becoming the dreaded one term president - a legacy of personal irrelevance - and summarily pushed out of office for it. So much so a concern for his handlers, they've tried to enlist the service of Obama's enemy during the 2008 presidential election, former president Bill Clinton. Ironic, since after Obama played the race card and insinuated that Clinton was a racist during the nominations, Clinton has seethed with vitriol. Insiders reported that when it came to support for Obama during the election Obama could "kiss his (Clinton's) ass.".

Clinton, whose popularity with the American electorate far exceeds Obama's has unique leverage presently. Obama's asked him to campaign for vulnerable Democrats and should Clinton be successful those same Democrats will be beholding to him not Obama, who's put them in jeopardy.

And as part of his stumping Clinton is reminding everyone that Obama himself pointed out during the campaign "if you don't like my policies, don't elect me to a second term". Ah, truer and more prescient words were never spoken!!!

And if Obama or his handlers object publicly, Clinton's defense is exquisite, "Hey, He SAID it first.".

But there are other signs that Clinton, who's far more astute than Obama, has recognized an opportunity to exploit which Obama has failed so far to comprehend. There is open speculation that the Clintons - Bill and Hillary - are actively posturing now for when the time comes to nominate a presidential candidate within the next 2 years that the DNC will grasp Obama can't win a second term. If the Democrats are to retain the White House better to toss Obama under the bus and run Hillary for president instead.

Bill Clinton understands that revenge, especially in politics, is a dish best supped cold!

Pulling the bus out of the terminal is Lynn Forrester de Rothschild, formerly a top Democratic fund raiser, who as recently as last week made it known publicly she won't do any fund raising for Obama in the future. Asked whether she thought Hillary would become the vice presidential candidate replacing Biden she brushed the inquiry aside as speculation - better not to dwell on THAT thought when your eye is on the top slot. A close personal friend of Hillary's, she made no commitments to NOT raise money for Hillary if Hillary should be the presidential candidate of the DNC.

Indeed Rothschild launched into an acerbic attack on what she described as the elitist Obama. Rothschild charged that he "is divisive" as a leader; and mocks those in disagreement with him. He is so critical of those who disagree, that you are either, "stupid, racist, or not qualified to be in the debate.".

Mutiny in the ranks?

The day after Obama announced his new $50 billion stimulus initiative, Hillary points out that America's high and ever increasing debt represents national security issues for the country: first, she says, "it undermines our capacity to act" in our national interests and secondly, it broadcasts a message of weakness to our enemies and allies.

Translation: "My boss, Obama, doesn't know what the hell he's doing!"

Still unconvinced? Well then, last but not least adding fuel to the fires of speculation is that tell all, always infallible indicator - Hillary has changed her hairstyle!

Or, is it just possible that Bill's planning on screwing Hillary one more time for old time's sake, and calculating a trajectory for his own third term? Nah, no way the thought ever crossed his mind ... or,?

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