Monday, November 5, 2012

Obama Campaign ... The dead always vote Democrat !

Like any seasoned Chicago politician, Obama would frequently go to the cemetery to  register voters. One night he came across a grave so old and worn that he couldn't make out the name on the tombstone. The staffer holding the flashlight got impatient and suggested that they just move on to the next plot. Obama angrily exclaimed, "This person has as much right to vote for me as anyone else here !"

"Democrats claim there is no voter fraud to stop. That’s because it is a key tactic of their ground game. Vote early, vote often, and the dead vote twice. Then send the military ballots late. But there is hope. Despite aggressive Obama Department of Justice harassment, states are winning in court, implementing effective Voter ID laws, and removing dead, duplicates, and illegals from their voter rolls. New legislation helps overseas military to vote. But citizens are still needed to monitor elections for a fair and fraud-free election this November 2012."     - Benjamin Brink, author  "The Dead Always Vote Democrat, but our troops don't get to vote" 

Deficit spending is "Irresponsible and Unpatriotic" .... Oh Lordy, I know it's true 'cause Obama said so!  
If you have your health .... You have everything !  
Thank God For The Party Of "Nope"....  

And then these news stories ....

1.8 MILLION dead people still registered to vote in the U.S., study says 

BRADEN GOYETTE, New York Daily News February 14, 2012

At least 1.8 million registered voters won’t be showing up to the polls this fall - because they’re dead.

The shocking finding emerged in a report from the Pew Center on the States that concluded a whopping 24 million - or one in eight - of the nation’s active voter registrations have serious errors.

In addition to the 1.8 million dead on America’s rolls of registered voters, the study, released Tuesday, also found that 2.75 million in the U.S. are registered as active voters in more than one state.

Suppressing the military vote

By: Roger Hedgecock

The Obama Justice Department ignored voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia but sued Texas and threatened other states who require photo I.D. to vote, alleging that such a requirement amounted to voter suppression.

In Florida, Governor Rick Scott ordered a review of state voting rolls which revealed over 80,000 dead people and hundreds of felons and non-citizens listed as voters. Since Bush won Florida with a handful of votes in 2000, the potential for fraud this year supported the need for I.D. to vote.

In the voter fraud versus voter suppression debate, the biggest suppression of the vote, and the most scandalous, has gone virtually unnoticed.

Deployed members of the American military have the most difficulty getting absentee ballots and casting their vote on time than any other group of Americans.

According to the Military Voters Protection Project (MVPP), only 20 percent of the 2.5 million military voters were able to request and return their absentee ballots on time in the 2008 election.

In response, in 2009, Congress passed the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE). MOVE requires states to mail absentee ballots at least 45 days before an election …
MVPP identifies Alabama, California, Illinois, New York, and Wisconsin as doing the worst job in complying with the MOVE Act. 
( Surprise, Surprise – 4 of the 5 are Democrat strongholds)

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