Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's So Hard to Get Good Room Service Anymore ... Just Ask Dominique Strauss-Kahn

If it wasn't bad enough that the wildlife you had to worry about for your personal safety in our National Parks included ferocious beasts like wolves, bears, mountain lions and coyotes - now you can add the white footed deer mouse. Yup those cute little fur balls are the vector for the deadly Hantavirus through inhaled particles of their dried feces, saliva and urine.

Sadly so far 2 campers have tragically died from the disease outbreak and Yosemite Park Officials have recently warned 1700 visitors that they too have probably been exposed to the deadly virus.

But not to worry. Park spokesman, Scott Gediman, in an effort to allay public concern over the possibility of dying from an otherwise relaxing camping experience says "This is a wilderness setting. It (contracting the disease) has nothing to do with the cleanliness of the cabins."

Really ?!? 

Seems It does have everything to do with rodent feces and urine IN THE CABINS !!!

Park officials said workers have been busy sealing up the cabins to keep the rodents at bay and to keep them from getting easy access.

Yeah sure, ask any housewife how well that's gonna work. 

Yep, when the bureaucracy has momentum there's no stopping the determination to spend money for dubious results.

A deer mouse. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

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