Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Saudi Gasoline Fix is In …. How Much You Wanna Bet?

While gasoline prices remain high and under pressure elsewhere in the world, prices here have been stable ($3.80 a gallon down from May 2012)– and – surprise - just in time for the US elections! At least so they won’t be a negative factor for the Obama Campaign barring a shooting war between Israel and Iran.

Wait you say, “That would mean the Saudi’s are interfering with our election process!” No, it means they were invited to by the Obama Campaign and pressured perhaps by the Obama Administration. (in the last 4 years Saudi Arabia purchased over 52 billion dollars of advanced weapons systems from the US – much of it opposed by Israel as a threat to its own national security interest http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/security/01/09/steeplechase.html )

Legendary investor Jim Rogers in an interview and reported in July 2012 thinks the Saudis want to see Obama re-elected.

Is it at all plausible that the Obama administration accustomed to using and well criticized for hard ball Chicago style election tactics would actually violate US law and pressure the Saudi’s to open up the supply spigot for oil in an effort to drive down gasoline prices at the pump for political purposes?  Or, might they just bend the law up to the point of breaking it, with well placed official assurances that Saudi interests would be better served with Obama occupying the White House for another 4 years - rather than say… oh, I don’t know…. risk an Israeli loving Romney administration who’s also on public record for supporting energy independence for the US from Middle Eastern oil by fully developing US oil, natural gas and coal?

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