Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nancy Pelosi .... You can't fix stupid !

Nancy Pelosi asked during a recent press conference about Obama / jarrett's authority and whether the Fiscal Cliff and Debt Ceiling were two separate issues responded incoherently, "I would hope not. I would hope that, well….I’m with the 11th Amendment, so….(Pelosi responding to staff off camera) Is it the 11th Amendment that….14th, is it? Whatever it is, I’m with the Constitution of the United States."

Pelosi a former Speaker of the House and member of Congress for more than 25 years still doesn't know what's in the Constitution she swore to uphold ???

The eleventh ammendment essentially forbids a person from sueing a state in which they do not reside and has no bearing on the question.

The fourteenth ammendment sections 4 and 5, unlike what Pelosi believes, gives sole authority to enforce the provisions of the ammendment to Congress not the President and distinguishes what is and is not valid debt of the United States.

Pelosi went on to say, “Really, we have the full faith and credit of the United States. You mentioned the debt ceiling and the rest, and again, if we all go to the table with good faith, budget agreements have been made over and over again.”

“There’s no reason we shouldn’t have one now,” she added. “Unless there is an anti-government ideology on the part of the Republicans to undermine any of the good will that is there.”

“If you’re a progressive, as I am, you don’t see any value in a big budget deficit,” she said. “Because the interest on the debt alone—the debt service—it robs from investments that could be made or deficit reduction that could take place. So, we all know that we have to reduce the deficit"

And as House Speaker it was Pelosi who presided over and engineered and pushed the largest pieces of deficit spending in US history - which included Obamacare.

At her inauguration as Speaker in October 2007, Pelosi pledged "no new deficit spending". At the end of her reign the national debt in 2010 increased by 5 trillion dollars !

Her deficit spending measures threw us into the legislation that created the Fiscal Cliff as a consequence we're now confronted with in the first place.

And now after she did the damage she claims she's worried about the debt service ?

Jeeesus San Francisco - knowing you elected this twit -  how do you fucking sleep at night ?

President Obama / jarrett ..... Secret Iran meetings on Asian trip ?

It's reported that Valerie Jarrett conducted secret meetings with Iranian diplomats to arrange for 1 on 1 discussions with Iran on their nuclear ambitions by Obama after the presidential elections.

Many political observers were left scratching their heads when the Whitehouse announced Obama's Asian trip particularly with the domestic issues the administration urgently faces with a Fiscal Cliff crisis at home - why this trip now and what's so important or urgent that Obama needs to travel to Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar (Burma) ?

Burma is only a stone's throw away from both Russia and Iran .... Is it so far-fetched that the entire trip is just a cover story for Obama / Jarrett to conclude the secret negotiations she began ?

Saturday, November 10, 2012

FEMA screwups .... Good God it says it all !

Victims of superstorm Sandy in NY and NJ still without adequate restoration of their lives - coping with confused and unresponsive bureaucrats - still in need of shelter from the weather - and whose homes are turning into toxic mold heaps - feel largely forgotten by the federal government and Obama.

Is it any wonder why ....