Thursday, October 22, 2015

Barack Obama .... Post Turtle

A 70-year-old Texas Rancher got his hand caught in a gate while working cattle. He wrapped the hand in his bandana and drove his pickup to the doctor. While suturing the laceration, the doctor asked the old man about what he thought of Barack Obama as president.

The old Texan drawled, "Well, ya know, Obama ain't nothin' more than a damn 'Post Turtle.'"

Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked him what a Post Turtle was.

The old man eyed him over and then said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a Post Turtle."

The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain:

"You know he didn't get there by himself, he doesn't belong there, he can't get anything done while he's up there, and you gotta' wonder what kind of ass put him up there in the first place."

An Express Mail Good Samaritan ....

While out for my morning stroll around Boston Harbor about 7 a.m., I noticed this guy shouting "Allah be praised" and "Death to all infidels."

Suddenly he tripped and fell into the water.

He was struggling to stay afloat because of all the explosives he was carrying.

If he didn't get help he was going to drown.

Being a responsible citizen, and abiding by the law of the land that requires you to help those in severe, life threatening distress - I did my duty and informed the Police, the Coast Guard, The Immigration Office, Parks and Recreation and even the Boston Fire Dept.

It is now 11 a.m., the terrorist has drowned, and none of the authorities have yet to respond.   

And I'm starting to think I wasted five stamps – maybe I should have used “Express” mail.

Venomous Muslim Jihadi Terrorism ...

This is a rattlesnake – and this is what it can do with its poisonous venom...

I have rattlesnakes on my property. Over the years I have killed them in the back yard, on the porch, in the garage, in my basement, in the front yard and on the driveway.

I don’t hesitate to kill every rattlesnake I see because I don’t care to live my life “accommodating” to the needs of the rattlesnake in order to avoid an encounter. Neither do I care to risk an encounter with my pets, my wife, children and grandchildren and neighbors with a rattlesnake.

I know that a rattlesnake is capable of biting me and them and will under some circumstances.

I don’t worry about or wonder why a rattlesnake would bite me. It is a rattlesnake and can.

I don’t spend my time trying to change a poisonous rattlesnake into a non-poisonous snake.

I don’t try to get to know rattlesnakes better so I can find a way to live with them and convince them not to bite me or my family.

I don’t question rattlesnakes about where the other rattlesnakes are because it won’t tell me.

I don’t try to “reason” with a rattlesnake or carry on a meaningful dialogue with it.

I just kill it ….

This is a Muslim Jihadi Terrorist … and this is what it has done  ….

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

When Quantitative Easing (QE) Went Bad ...... Wow, ya' think so ?

In an article titled "The real cost of QE" Bank of America's FX strategist Athanasios Vamvakidis takes a critical look at the U.S. Central Bank's particular brand of unconventional monetary policy, and its changing relationship with financial markets.

..."At some point during (the) Fed QE, the markets started reacting positively to bad news. In our view, this is when things started going wrong. Bad news became good news for asset prices, as markets expected more QE by the Fed. "

"Asset prices were increasingly deviating from fundamentals, as the markets were trading the Fed instead of the economic reality. This was clearly not sustainable."

... "We should have known something is wrong. The Fed “taper tantrum” could have been the first signal that QE had gone too far. The second warning may have been the across-the-board emerging markets sell-off that started in mid-2014, as QE tapering was coming to an end and the market started pricing Fed tightening, a sell-off that intensified substantially this year (2015)"

 Nah ... ya' really think so ???!!!

After QE 1, I remember an analogy made by some wag in Britain about the dangers of QE who likened it to a guy sitting at a bar on a stool drinking shots of whisky - after the first one you feel pretty good so you reach for another, and then another, and another.

But as you keep imbibing you don't realize how snockered you've really become until you try to stand up away from the bar and then it's that first step off the stool that really knocks you down to your ass!".

Think the effects and damage from the Fed's QE are done ? .... Are you sober yet ?

Putin Cuts His Espionage Budget ....

"Spooky" 2015TB145 ... Are You Afraid, Yet?

NASA wants you to be assured that there is no reason for alarm about the prospects of a recently discovered asteroid whose orbit will closely (very close as far as things in space are concerned) fly by Earth and miss impacting our planet.

The near encounter will take place early on this Halloween, October 31st and hence the NEO (near earth orbit object)  has been dubbed "Spooky".

There ARE however some other "spooky" aspects to this rock.

As yet no one can say with certainty what its size is - here's a comparison illustration showing it to be either 951 feet or 2132 feet in diameter with the Trump Tower in between. Take your pick. (The meteorite that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia in 2013 by comparison was only 66 feet in diameter.)

As asteroids go this one is additionally interesting in that its speed is significantly faster than most others - "spooky" is traveling at 78,000 miles per hour. Rifle bullets at 3000 feet per second (fast for a rifle bullet) "slow poke" around in comparison at about 2045 miles per hour.

"Spooky" is to miss us by 300,000 miles give or take or about 1.3 times the distance between the earth and moon. A distance that "spooky" by the way can cover in less than 3 days time. Perhaps up until "spooky" the closest near miss from an asteroid this size came in December 1914 , (152680) 1998 KJ9 skirted by the earth at a distance of 234,000 miles. Presumably there is no danger of "spooky" impacting with the moon, either on its fly by.

Lastly, "spooky" was only discovered eleven days ago on October 10th by satellite. NASA has been preoccupied with another NEO instead that is expected to miss us by over 4 million miles. In fact NASA has said it has only identified less than 1 percent of the estimated million NEOs at least 100 feet in diameter.

And that's downright CREEPY !

Monday, October 12, 2015

When I Wake Up ....

I have oftentimes felt that the only people who have some modest notion about how long "eternity" is are the astronomers and geologists - since they work with time scales in billions of years.

A profound and destiny changing watershed moment for Christians occurred only 2015 years ago in contrast.

If that's not humbling enough perhaps this is:

Here's an artist's rendering to scale of a comet that was recently visited by a space probe - this is the same type of extraterrestrial body that has slammed periodically into the earth during our geologic past overlaid on top of the city of Los Angeles. By astronomical standards this comet is but only a solitary "grain" of sand !

So, if we're all going to face "eternity" eventually - what REALLY is important to you during your time in this brief existence ?