Friday, September 25, 2015

Boehner Calls It Quits .... Now, If Only McConnell

John Boehner, Speaker of the House says, "I've had enough !" and announced his retirement at the end of October.

Now, if only Mitch McConnell would ....
Nah, I guess it would be too much to hope for !

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pope Francis ...will he excommunicate Pelosi and Biden ?

I'm not holding my breath BUT if Pope Francis genuinely wanted the Church's doctrine on the sanctity of life and its opposition to abortion understood in this country he would take this opportunity on his historic visit to the United States to do something equally historic and profound.

Since the Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wade an estimated 57 million unborn children have lost their lives thanks to pro-abortion proxies like Nancy Pelsoi, Joe Biden and Planned Parenthood.

A public Papal condemnation of Planned Parenthood is justifiable as is the public Excommunication of Biden and Pelosi from the Catholic Church.

In the aftermath, every Catholic politician in the country presently favoring and supporting abortion would hastily maneuver to abandon their positions and rhetoric !

Instead this morning before a joint session of  Congress the Pope implored the assembled politicians with ...."(we) have a responsibility to defend and protect life at every stage of its development." 

Tepid remarks that were immediately and woefully lost on every liberal in the room.

Pope Francis, if you will not speak more eloquently and forcefully for the right to life of future unborn children - then WHO will?

Delaware Man in Wheel Chair ... killed by police

The video speaks volumes ... not the least of which is that it appears the police were not justified in using deadly force under these circumstances !

It was reported to police that the man had a self inflicted wound from a firearm which he presumably still had.

Police thinking when confronted with a firearm is something like this "gain control over the weapon so it can not be used to injure officers or others including the victim himself."

And of course the best way to do that in this instance as concluded by the responding officers is to unleash a barrage of gun fire until he drops out of the wheelchair - now medical personnel can SAFELY attend to his self inflicted wound !

Oh, and then there was the single errant gunshot at the outset - I know it's a little annoying detail but why was it fired, by who, the police? -  and where ?

And, of course there's the standard fallback rationale, "we gave him orders to comply and he didn't".

Did he even understand English? Was he deaf or hearing impaired? Was he able to speak? Did his wound make communication impossible?

I suppose those were all ruled out by police early on in their shoot or don't shoot assessment. Indeed, it's not like they were already pre-disposed to shoot having one shot already fired at the scene, were they?

In shifting his body position in the chair several times I can imagine the victim having made the fatal mistake and having had the misfortune to touch his gun with these cops ready to shoot in front of him.

It's a terrible and sad day for the victim's family but also for all of the cops who day in and day out do their jobs well, with distinction and with honor.

Go here for more details and actual video:

man in wheelchair killed by police

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

When the Pope got to Washington ...

When the Pope got to Washington Obama took him on a tour of the White House - When they arrived  in the Oval Office the Pope saw a red sign with the numbers 333 sitting on Obama's desk.

"What's this ?", asked His Holiness.

"Oh that, is just to remind me", replied Obama, "that I'm only half finished !".

Friday, September 11, 2015

Obama’s lethal and foolish Iranian Nuclear Deal ….

Obama recently wrote as justification for the controversial Iranian Nuclear deal he’s ramming through Congress on a partisan basis:

“What U.S. policymakers have been clear about for decades — both Democrats and Republicans alike — is that there are few greater threats to our global security than a nuclear-armed Iran. That is why the U.S. and our international partners spent nearly two years working out the best possible diplomatic solution to eliminate that threat. However, throughout our negotiations with Iran, we've remained clear-eyed about the Iranian regime. Whether it's supporting terrorist groups like Hezbollah, continued threats directed at Israel, human rights abuses, or the unjust detention of American citizens, I understand exactly the kind of dangerous and repressive regime we're dealing with in Iran.” Barrack Obama, Quora.

And if you’re SO CLEAR about the dangerous regime you’re dealing with Barack– whether it’s their support of Hezbollah terrorists (read a murderous Iranian state proxy), existential threats against Israel (read genocide), continuing human rights abuses (read murder and torture), and the unjust imprisonment of American citizens (sorry , just couldn’t bring myself to calling it “detention” like you do as though it’s camping)… And, So THE REASON you gave them US $150 billion for this ill advised and lethal deal is …. ?

As a consequence of your implacable ideology the United States is now the single largest financial contributor to worldwide Iranian sponsored terrorism !

Of course I’m just wondering out loud now – But does that mean that the United States must seize all of the financial assets of the United States for financially aiding known terrorists ?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Petra Laszlo …. “A Real Piece of Szar”

Hungarian camerawoman Petra Laszlo who was fired from her TV station for tripping migrants as they fled from police in Hungary a few days ago has apologized claiming that her actions on video were just misunderstood.

Laszlo says the migrants “frightened” her and she acted out of self defense when she tripped a man carrying a child; sending both tumbling to the ground.

Moments later she was apparently “frightened” again when she tripped another small child.

And then, still “frightened” she shoved another migrant as well.

 What’s “frightening” is this zealous nut case !