Monday, October 12, 2015

When I Wake Up ....

I have oftentimes felt that the only people who have some modest notion about how long "eternity" is are the astronomers and geologists - since they work with time scales in billions of years.

A profound and destiny changing watershed moment for Christians occurred only 2015 years ago in contrast.

If that's not humbling enough perhaps this is:

Here's an artist's rendering to scale of a comet that was recently visited by a space probe - this is the same type of extraterrestrial body that has slammed periodically into the earth during our geologic past overlaid on top of the city of Los Angeles. By astronomical standards this comet is but only a solitary "grain" of sand !

So, if we're all going to face "eternity" eventually - what REALLY is important to you during your time in this brief existence ?

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