Compassionate conservatism is doing those things the heart tells you are right and need to be done, by using your head to do them in the very best way possible.
It is not about throwing big money or big government at the problem in hopes of finding solutions.
The most enduring, effective and satisfying solutions are achieved with scarce resources and an abundance of passion, innovation and initiative. - S. Luhrs, 1991
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
subtlety ....
Subtlety, a flawed form of communication, is entirely dependent for efficiency upon the intellect of the participants. - S. Luhrs 1991
Friday, August 27, 2010
Well, Damn It, Here We Go Again …..
Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke announced at a conference this morning in Jackson Hole, Wyoming that the Fed through the FOMC ( Federal Open Market Committee) stood ready to resume the purchase of long term US debt in the event they determined that the economy was likely to continue to worsen, prompted apparently by the report that 2nd quarter GDP grew only by 1.6%. The figure was revised down from 2.4 percent. Though low, the figure still came in higher than earlier government estimates and caused a temporary sigh of relief on the part of Bernanke. One more bullet dodged.
Three things about this announcement.
First you may recall the numerous earlier announcements last year and this year by the Fed about the positive progression of the economic recovery. Now comes the warning of a pending reversal and a tactical plan to hopefully deal with it should it occur. This, despite a gushing assertion and assessment by the administration’s chief go-go cheerleader and resident economics wizard, Vice President Joe Biden. Biden earlier this week raved about all the wonderful effects that the Administration’s unfunded stimulus spending has achieved for the country’s economy and the direction in which it’s headed due to jobs creation. Really Joe? Unlike you, most everyone else has concluded that every indicator's going in the wrong direction - not the right one!
The last time the Fed employed this tactic was through “quantitative easing”. That terribly cerebral sounding phrase which simply means the printing of new, completely worthless paper money to purchase American debt. Then through the magic of the Fed, like the transmutation of base lead into precious gold by alchemists of old, the debt becomes, get ready for it, an “asset”. The last time the printing presses were cranked up the Fed caused something shy of 2 trillion new worthless dollars to be added to the money supply. This time Bernanke says when the switch is flipped on we’re going for “trillions” dollars more. And why should we care? Because at the very least the printing of “de novo” money or worthless dollars is a dilution event that risks the devaluation of the rest of the money supply which includes your savings and paycheck.
The third aspect is that a weak kneed Bernanke commented, “Central bankers alone cannot solve the world’s economic problems,” . Fed speak for the world’s politicians, especially those of the United States, “you can’t keep increasing debt and deficits through reckless unfunded spending and expect us to manage it for a desirable outcome”. Ironic, since the Fed’s very use of “quantitative easing” to bail out politician’s irresponsible behavior only enables and encourages Obama and the US Congress into further irresponsible spending.
Three things about this announcement.
First you may recall the numerous earlier announcements last year and this year by the Fed about the positive progression of the economic recovery. Now comes the warning of a pending reversal and a tactical plan to hopefully deal with it should it occur. This, despite a gushing assertion and assessment by the administration’s chief go-go cheerleader and resident economics wizard, Vice President Joe Biden. Biden earlier this week raved about all the wonderful effects that the Administration’s unfunded stimulus spending has achieved for the country’s economy and the direction in which it’s headed due to jobs creation. Really Joe? Unlike you, most everyone else has concluded that every indicator's going in the wrong direction - not the right one!
The last time the Fed employed this tactic was through “quantitative easing”. That terribly cerebral sounding phrase which simply means the printing of new, completely worthless paper money to purchase American debt. Then through the magic of the Fed, like the transmutation of base lead into precious gold by alchemists of old, the debt becomes, get ready for it, an “asset”. The last time the printing presses were cranked up the Fed caused something shy of 2 trillion new worthless dollars to be added to the money supply. This time Bernanke says when the switch is flipped on we’re going for “trillions” dollars more. And why should we care? Because at the very least the printing of “de novo” money or worthless dollars is a dilution event that risks the devaluation of the rest of the money supply which includes your savings and paycheck.
The third aspect is that a weak kneed Bernanke commented, “Central bankers alone cannot solve the world’s economic problems,” . Fed speak for the world’s politicians, especially those of the United States, “you can’t keep increasing debt and deficits through reckless unfunded spending and expect us to manage it for a desirable outcome”. Ironic, since the Fed’s very use of “quantitative easing” to bail out politician’s irresponsible behavior only enables and encourages Obama and the US Congress into further irresponsible spending.
Ok, So He Isn't Right All TheTime ...
Last evening on the TV show, Stossel, guest Glenn Beck suggested that the United States would perhaps be better off “privatizing” the military. “I’m just saying maybe we should think about it.”. No, I don’t think that's what you meant. Based on your comments I believe it’s already a foregone conclusion for you.
Ok. Glenn let’s get this right – you believe American soldiers will be equally willing to fight and die for the “company” as they would be in defending their country, meaning the rest of us,.
Yeah, sign me up for a tour of that duty! I wanna’ fight for the Board of Directors.
C’mon Beck, you seriously want us to put our faith and trust into some corporate CEO to defend and preserve our values? Get real.
We owe you a huge debt of gratitude for carrying the fight to and about Washington insiders, bureaucrats and politicians who erode and threaten our freedoms but you are wrong to dismiss the value and importance of the US military to this country by re-assigning its role to some private enterprise. And this evening you probably just lost the support of a hell of a lot of Americans who see that value much differently than you and as other libertarians do.
Before there was a Constitution, before there was a Bill of Rights, even before there was a Declaration of Independence there was a continental army fighting, bleeding and dying for Americans and American freedoms.
You spoke about trust and questioned whether American civilians could rely upon the institution to eliminate waste and inefficiency (probably not from within) and questioned whether or not that much military power and force should be in the hands of a CEO but concluded it wasn’t really problematic because it’s already at the disposal of a President after all.
An argument which conveniently disregards the scale of American representation and the potential for abuse by a much smaller body of self interested and vested individuals. A CEO is elected by a corporation’s shareholders generally through their representatives, the Board of Directors and as you’ll perhaps recall a President is determined by a nationwide electorate through their electoral representatives – just slightly more people involved in the process you know than your typical corporate board.
I know, I know it’s such a pesky little detail – who a national military force is accountable through – a corporate CEO or a civilian President –
In the case of Obama I’d acknowledge that the American electorate failed miserably.
Could an insane or rogue or politically desperate President misuse that power again directly against American citizens so broadly to institute a despotic regime – I seriously doubt the military as individuals would ultimately permit it. There are those perennial reports that keeping popping up which frustrate the hell out of Washington politicians because the US military doubts that American soldiers in large numbers would train their weapons and use them against American civilians. There’s obviously a much different mindset throughout the country now since the time of Kent State – that generation of young adults is now in their 50’s and 60’s and I seriously doubt they’d tolerate blood in the streets again.
I think the culture and traditions and honor of the US military stands as the very last safeguard for a Congress and Press which failed and continues to fail to do their respective jobs.
Can you seriously say that a corporation and its CEO would be as stalwart?
Private industry can produce the technology and weapons of war but can not be counted upon to produce the soldiers with the spirit and will and desire to fight for freedom. In America it appears only the shared experiences of legacies, families and communities can do it. That transcends just doing a job and drawing a paycheck.
Wait a minute you’re right, I’m wrong! They will fight for a sufficiently large paycheck – and they’re called mercenaries. And none of us should ever doubt or ever suspect their loyalties for a single minute if they should ever make up the ENTIRE military force of the country, should we?
Ok in fairness to you, you backpedaled and said you wanted a “volunteer” army, not draftees or “grotesque” mercenaries. But employees don’t “volunteer” do they? They’re “assigned” or in essence, drafted. Gee, that would make them the draftees you don’t trust, wouldn’t it? Uh, oh, as paid soldiers of a corporate enterprise they’re also your detested and grotesque mercenaries as well.
Nor can private industry be counted upon to sufficiently align its interests with those of Americans in general – businesses do not operate as democracies (or even your beloved republics!) - and too often, I’m ashamed to say, my brethren have been shown to be more interested in their own agendas for power and the aggrandizement of their egos than they are in good corporate governance for the benefit and interests of their constituencies – shareholders, customers, employees, vendors and community. Here’s a revelation - corporate stewardship often isn’t.
So despite the waste and inefficiency and other regrettable transgressions of our military, I remain, as are many other Americans, vastly more inclined than apparently you are to trust the institution and its culture to reinforce and protect our American values than to put our faith in the agenda of some power tripping corporate CEO.
Corporations do not have the internal traditions and cultural equivalent to a military code of conduct. Employees do not nor have that mechanism to challenge the CEO’s directives, and all too often the shareholders lack effective means to override a board of directors that frequently acquiesces to the CEO – invariably by the time they do act because of misdeeds, the situation is so bad the proverbial crap has inescapably hit the fan and the shareholders.
You want less waste and inefficiency and more bang for your buck and less politics in the military? That’s laudable, but then reform them not replace them. And start by staying focused on the real source of the problem; cleaning up and clearing out the Congress, their insider and vested interests and enabling bureaucrats.
From time to time Beck you lose focus and say some idiotic, half witted and contradictory things, especially when you “wing it” and ad lib – but this time I’m sorry to say your sincerity about privatizing the military was over the top for foolishness.
Even so, it would be a tremendously good thing if this weekend your Washington rally on the restoration of honor throughout the rest of America takes root.
Ok. Glenn let’s get this right – you believe American soldiers will be equally willing to fight and die for the “company” as they would be in defending their country, meaning the rest of us,.
Yeah, sign me up for a tour of that duty! I wanna’ fight for the Board of Directors.
C’mon Beck, you seriously want us to put our faith and trust into some corporate CEO to defend and preserve our values? Get real.
We owe you a huge debt of gratitude for carrying the fight to and about Washington insiders, bureaucrats and politicians who erode and threaten our freedoms but you are wrong to dismiss the value and importance of the US military to this country by re-assigning its role to some private enterprise. And this evening you probably just lost the support of a hell of a lot of Americans who see that value much differently than you and as other libertarians do.
Before there was a Constitution, before there was a Bill of Rights, even before there was a Declaration of Independence there was a continental army fighting, bleeding and dying for Americans and American freedoms.
You spoke about trust and questioned whether American civilians could rely upon the institution to eliminate waste and inefficiency (probably not from within) and questioned whether or not that much military power and force should be in the hands of a CEO but concluded it wasn’t really problematic because it’s already at the disposal of a President after all.
An argument which conveniently disregards the scale of American representation and the potential for abuse by a much smaller body of self interested and vested individuals. A CEO is elected by a corporation’s shareholders generally through their representatives, the Board of Directors and as you’ll perhaps recall a President is determined by a nationwide electorate through their electoral representatives – just slightly more people involved in the process you know than your typical corporate board.
I know, I know it’s such a pesky little detail – who a national military force is accountable through – a corporate CEO or a civilian President –
In the case of Obama I’d acknowledge that the American electorate failed miserably.
Could an insane or rogue or politically desperate President misuse that power again directly against American citizens so broadly to institute a despotic regime – I seriously doubt the military as individuals would ultimately permit it. There are those perennial reports that keeping popping up which frustrate the hell out of Washington politicians because the US military doubts that American soldiers in large numbers would train their weapons and use them against American civilians. There’s obviously a much different mindset throughout the country now since the time of Kent State – that generation of young adults is now in their 50’s and 60’s and I seriously doubt they’d tolerate blood in the streets again.
I think the culture and traditions and honor of the US military stands as the very last safeguard for a Congress and Press which failed and continues to fail to do their respective jobs.
Can you seriously say that a corporation and its CEO would be as stalwart?
Private industry can produce the technology and weapons of war but can not be counted upon to produce the soldiers with the spirit and will and desire to fight for freedom. In America it appears only the shared experiences of legacies, families and communities can do it. That transcends just doing a job and drawing a paycheck.
Wait a minute you’re right, I’m wrong! They will fight for a sufficiently large paycheck – and they’re called mercenaries. And none of us should ever doubt or ever suspect their loyalties for a single minute if they should ever make up the ENTIRE military force of the country, should we?
Ok in fairness to you, you backpedaled and said you wanted a “volunteer” army, not draftees or “grotesque” mercenaries. But employees don’t “volunteer” do they? They’re “assigned” or in essence, drafted. Gee, that would make them the draftees you don’t trust, wouldn’t it? Uh, oh, as paid soldiers of a corporate enterprise they’re also your detested and grotesque mercenaries as well.
Nor can private industry be counted upon to sufficiently align its interests with those of Americans in general – businesses do not operate as democracies (or even your beloved republics!) - and too often, I’m ashamed to say, my brethren have been shown to be more interested in their own agendas for power and the aggrandizement of their egos than they are in good corporate governance for the benefit and interests of their constituencies – shareholders, customers, employees, vendors and community. Here’s a revelation - corporate stewardship often isn’t.
So despite the waste and inefficiency and other regrettable transgressions of our military, I remain, as are many other Americans, vastly more inclined than apparently you are to trust the institution and its culture to reinforce and protect our American values than to put our faith in the agenda of some power tripping corporate CEO.
Corporations do not have the internal traditions and cultural equivalent to a military code of conduct. Employees do not nor have that mechanism to challenge the CEO’s directives, and all too often the shareholders lack effective means to override a board of directors that frequently acquiesces to the CEO – invariably by the time they do act because of misdeeds, the situation is so bad the proverbial crap has inescapably hit the fan and the shareholders.
You want less waste and inefficiency and more bang for your buck and less politics in the military? That’s laudable, but then reform them not replace them. And start by staying focused on the real source of the problem; cleaning up and clearing out the Congress, their insider and vested interests and enabling bureaucrats.
From time to time Beck you lose focus and say some idiotic, half witted and contradictory things, especially when you “wing it” and ad lib – but this time I’m sorry to say your sincerity about privatizing the military was over the top for foolishness.
Even so, it would be a tremendously good thing if this weekend your Washington rally on the restoration of honor throughout the rest of America takes root.
Give Me My $1000 Stossel ….
Last evening on his show John Stossel in touting his libertarian views offered the following challenge that he would pay $1000 to anyone who could show that the US “government does anything better than the private sector.”
Ok, Stossel, I’m game…The United States government is clearly and far better than private industry in generating waste and inefficiency.
Ok, Stossel, I’m game…The United States government is clearly and far better than private industry in generating waste and inefficiency.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Weiner Schnitzeled … Anthony’s At It Again
Interviewed this morning on Morning Joe, US Rep Anthony Weiner continued to try and provide cover for an undeserving House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi when interviewer Joe Scarborough charged that Pelosi’s manipulation requiring a 2/3rds majority on a recently failed bill to provide medical benefits to 911 responders, actually scuttled passage.
Most of the panel observed contentiousness among democrats – specifically competing interests on the part of Blue Dog Democrats and the Mexican American Caucus of the Democratic Party, each vowing to pull their support ahead of the vote – that it was not the Republicans who were at fault since the Democrats, who control the Congress, if they had their own party in order could have easily passed the legislation.
But Weiner was having none of it and continued to defend an arcane explanation of Democratic strategy to win passage with a 2/3rds majority requirement and fault the Republicans instead.
Weiner tried to dismiss the notion raised by Luke Russert that members of Weiner’s own party didn’t want a tough vote on ancillary immigration issues in the bill and have to “walk the plank” for Pelosi on immigration reform ahead of the upcoming mid-term congressional races.
Finally an exasperated Weiner said that Americans just want “an up and down” vote to which Scarborough responded, “then Pelosi should have given it to them”., which was the crux of the entire argument Weiner was trying to avoid all along.
Coincidentally for Weiner, US Rep King, a Republican antagonist to Weiner and who was one of 12 Republicans who crossed party lines to vote in support of the bill, has aligned himself with a major NY Democratic Party backer, Robert Zimmerman.
Zimmerman, issued a joint statement with King yesterday, directed at Weiner among others, calling on the House to ditch the political posturing on the bill and secure its passage.
In response an angry and fuming Weiner postured to have Zimmerman thrown off the Democratic National Committee, and only backed down after other members of his party said it was a really, really bad idea.
Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg endorses the construction of an extremely controversial mosque very near ground zero of the Twin Towers 911 disaster. Bloomberg’s position is extremely unpopular with 53% of New York voters and nearly all of the surviving families of the 911 victims.
Adding to his P/R woes, Weiner who’s been almost silent on the issue up to this point sent a letter to the Mayor that did not express any objection on his part to the mosque’s location is perceived to have thrown his support behind Bloomberg.
In essence Weiner wants to provide $7 billion in unfunded spending for the medical well being of 911 responders but blithely ignores the mental and emotional suffering of the actual 911 victim’s families with his support of the mosque’s construction near ground zero.
Strangely, Weiner who shouts at the top of his lungs for the Republicans to have the courage to take a stand in support of the 911 responders can’t seem to muster the spine to do the same for the 911 victims.

Most of the panel observed contentiousness among democrats – specifically competing interests on the part of Blue Dog Democrats and the Mexican American Caucus of the Democratic Party, each vowing to pull their support ahead of the vote – that it was not the Republicans who were at fault since the Democrats, who control the Congress, if they had their own party in order could have easily passed the legislation.
But Weiner was having none of it and continued to defend an arcane explanation of Democratic strategy to win passage with a 2/3rds majority requirement and fault the Republicans instead.
Weiner tried to dismiss the notion raised by Luke Russert that members of Weiner’s own party didn’t want a tough vote on ancillary immigration issues in the bill and have to “walk the plank” for Pelosi on immigration reform ahead of the upcoming mid-term congressional races.
Finally an exasperated Weiner said that Americans just want “an up and down” vote to which Scarborough responded, “then Pelosi should have given it to them”., which was the crux of the entire argument Weiner was trying to avoid all along.
Coincidentally for Weiner, US Rep King, a Republican antagonist to Weiner and who was one of 12 Republicans who crossed party lines to vote in support of the bill, has aligned himself with a major NY Democratic Party backer, Robert Zimmerman.
Zimmerman, issued a joint statement with King yesterday, directed at Weiner among others, calling on the House to ditch the political posturing on the bill and secure its passage.
In response an angry and fuming Weiner postured to have Zimmerman thrown off the Democratic National Committee, and only backed down after other members of his party said it was a really, really bad idea.
Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg endorses the construction of an extremely controversial mosque very near ground zero of the Twin Towers 911 disaster. Bloomberg’s position is extremely unpopular with 53% of New York voters and nearly all of the surviving families of the 911 victims.
Adding to his P/R woes, Weiner who’s been almost silent on the issue up to this point sent a letter to the Mayor that did not express any objection on his part to the mosque’s location is perceived to have thrown his support behind Bloomberg.
In essence Weiner wants to provide $7 billion in unfunded spending for the medical well being of 911 responders but blithely ignores the mental and emotional suffering of the actual 911 victim’s families with his support of the mosque’s construction near ground zero.
Strangely, Weiner who shouts at the top of his lungs for the Republicans to have the courage to take a stand in support of the 911 responders can’t seem to muster the spine to do the same for the 911 victims.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Emperor’s New Car … or, Look What’s Coming Up Fast In The Rearview Mirror
Obama is very fond of smugly comparing the Bush economy to a car the Republicans drove into a ditch.
In contrast, Obama says, with him sitting behind the wheel the economy is finally out of the ditch and he’s keeping the keys, thank you.
Through the billowing smoke what the rest of us can clearly see is Obama having a good ole’ time, gunning the engine while his other foot’s firmly on the brake, spinning the hell outta’ the wheels, and all the while shouting, “ Man, we’re really goin’ now!”.
In reality, we’ve gone nowhere.
For two years Obama's been pumping and pissing away all of our gas on a Chinese credit card bill that even our grandchildren can’t pay off.
Well, Buddy, check the rearview for America – Come November, you’re not keeping the keys any longer!
In contrast, Obama says, with him sitting behind the wheel the economy is finally out of the ditch and he’s keeping the keys, thank you.
Through the billowing smoke what the rest of us can clearly see is Obama having a good ole’ time, gunning the engine while his other foot’s firmly on the brake, spinning the hell outta’ the wheels, and all the while shouting, “ Man, we’re really goin’ now!”.
In reality, we’ve gone nowhere.
For two years Obama's been pumping and pissing away all of our gas on a Chinese credit card bill that even our grandchildren can’t pay off.
Well, Buddy, check the rearview for America – Come November, you’re not keeping the keys any longer!
Friday, August 6, 2010
One more hollow, and broken Obama promise …. One more Pelosi manipulation … and one more, bend over and take it up the … America !
"And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely." - Obama Sept. 26, 2008 presidential debate
Senators McCain and Coburn released a report last week detailing more than $340 million uncovered so far of the type of excesses and wasteful taxpayer spending that riddles the Obama administration’s previously passed 800 billion dollar Stimulus bill and which as yet failed to fulfill the promise of jobs creation.
But just to illustrate how efficiently and effectively the money has been spent for its stated purpose - sans any meaningful jobs growth in return – now we learn that for just a measly $2 million of tax money we’re absolutely guaranteed to reap the enduring economic benefit of international ant research – ant as in those with 6 legs.
The original Stimulus bill still has more than 400 billion dollars, authorized but unspent, and yet, to promote Obama’s spending agenda Nancy Pelosi is calling back the House from summer recess to rush through a vote for another stimulus spending round relabeled and touted as a “jobs bill” for teachers, and other public workers – this time for another unfunded 26 billion dollars more.
Critics charge the political theater, manipulation and the measure itself are designed for political purposes by Democrats to help defuse voter anger and resentment against vulnerable sitting members of Congress from the same party before the November mid term elections by flooding public employee service unions with cash to buy votes.
The measure has only been able to advance with the support of 2 Republican Senators from Maine, Collins and Snowe - who were bought off only after the administration and Democratic leadership promised not to cut Navy shipbuilding in their state.
Aw shucks, do you think Pelosi, Obama and the DNC could possibly be that transparently shallow with taxpayer money?
Yeah, well it is politics Chicago style, isn’t it?
Senators McCain and Coburn released a report last week detailing more than $340 million uncovered so far of the type of excesses and wasteful taxpayer spending that riddles the Obama administration’s previously passed 800 billion dollar Stimulus bill and which as yet failed to fulfill the promise of jobs creation.
But just to illustrate how efficiently and effectively the money has been spent for its stated purpose - sans any meaningful jobs growth in return – now we learn that for just a measly $2 million of tax money we’re absolutely guaranteed to reap the enduring economic benefit of international ant research – ant as in those with 6 legs.
The original Stimulus bill still has more than 400 billion dollars, authorized but unspent, and yet, to promote Obama’s spending agenda Nancy Pelosi is calling back the House from summer recess to rush through a vote for another stimulus spending round relabeled and touted as a “jobs bill” for teachers, and other public workers – this time for another unfunded 26 billion dollars more.
Critics charge the political theater, manipulation and the measure itself are designed for political purposes by Democrats to help defuse voter anger and resentment against vulnerable sitting members of Congress from the same party before the November mid term elections by flooding public employee service unions with cash to buy votes.
The measure has only been able to advance with the support of 2 Republican Senators from Maine, Collins and Snowe - who were bought off only after the administration and Democratic leadership promised not to cut Navy shipbuilding in their state.
Aw shucks, do you think Pelosi, Obama and the DNC could possibly be that transparently shallow with taxpayer money?
Yeah, well it is politics Chicago style, isn’t it?
"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" … “Let them eat cake”, honey.
It’s one thing for perception not to match up to reality but quite another for “stick it in your face” hypocrisy. Just try to ask Marie Antoinette.
While some 23 million Americans remain unemployed struggling to pay bills and provide shelter and food for their families witness the latest Michelle Obama extravaganza - this one in sunny, chic Costa del Sol, Spain with an entourage of 40 close, personal friends in tow, staying in a posh 5 star villa.
US Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, though, is quick to point out that some of the travel costs will be borne personally by Obama friends rather than by US taxpayers. But since Michelle Obama will be meeting with the King of Spain, on the last day of her vacation, presumably to discuss vital matters of high import to America, that alone will justify the US taxpayer footing “official” trip expenses.
Hopefully, in return, we’ll see both a detailed listing of the matters discussed by the two and a breakdown of all of the expenses borne by the taxpayer so we can make an independent judgment of how well Michelle’s tete a’ tete served our nation’s interests – or, Good Golly, could it be, the entire p/r ruse is just another excuse to take a junket vacation befitting her station as First Lady?
Seems like it was only, … when was it again, oh yeah – just July when she packed up the family for the 7th summer vacation.
Days before leaving on that trip in nationwide media coverage she exhorted Americans should travel to the beleaguered Gulf Coast despite the oil stained beaches to help financially support the communities there.
“There are still thousands of miles of beaches that have not been touched by the spill,” the First Lady said. “And there are communities that thrive on tourism and on the economic power of beaches that have not been damaged.”
Mrs. Obama said that her husband’s administration is “doing our best” to rectify the situation in the region and take this opportunity to “really build and preserve and make the Gulf the prize of this country that it has been and should continue to be.”
Four days later she and the Family were doing their level best to help those Gulf Region communities – from the picturesque, oil free seaside of Maine!
Postscript – after news reporters asked whether or not the Obama’s should practice what they preach, the White House hastily announced the family will indeed vacation on Florida’s Gulf coast for a few days in August. It will be vacation number 9., just before summer vacation number 10 which follows immediately afterwards up north in the fresh, clean air of Martha’s Vineyard....... to help get rid of all of those noxious oil fumes.
While some 23 million Americans remain unemployed struggling to pay bills and provide shelter and food for their families witness the latest Michelle Obama extravaganza - this one in sunny, chic Costa del Sol, Spain with an entourage of 40 close, personal friends in tow, staying in a posh 5 star villa.
US Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, though, is quick to point out that some of the travel costs will be borne personally by Obama friends rather than by US taxpayers. But since Michelle Obama will be meeting with the King of Spain, on the last day of her vacation, presumably to discuss vital matters of high import to America, that alone will justify the US taxpayer footing “official” trip expenses.
Hopefully, in return, we’ll see both a detailed listing of the matters discussed by the two and a breakdown of all of the expenses borne by the taxpayer so we can make an independent judgment of how well Michelle’s tete a’ tete served our nation’s interests – or, Good Golly, could it be, the entire p/r ruse is just another excuse to take a junket vacation befitting her station as First Lady?
Seems like it was only, … when was it again, oh yeah – just July when she packed up the family for the 7th summer vacation.
Days before leaving on that trip in nationwide media coverage she exhorted Americans should travel to the beleaguered Gulf Coast despite the oil stained beaches to help financially support the communities there.
“There are still thousands of miles of beaches that have not been touched by the spill,” the First Lady said. “And there are communities that thrive on tourism and on the economic power of beaches that have not been damaged.”
Mrs. Obama said that her husband’s administration is “doing our best” to rectify the situation in the region and take this opportunity to “really build and preserve and make the Gulf the prize of this country that it has been and should continue to be.”
Four days later she and the Family were doing their level best to help those Gulf Region communities – from the picturesque, oil free seaside of Maine!
Postscript – after news reporters asked whether or not the Obama’s should practice what they preach, the White House hastily announced the family will indeed vacation on Florida’s Gulf coast for a few days in August. It will be vacation number 9., just before summer vacation number 10 which follows immediately afterwards up north in the fresh, clean air of Martha’s Vineyard....... to help get rid of all of those noxious oil fumes.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Pelosi calls US House back from summer recess ...
No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.
- Mark Twain
The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates.
- Tacitus
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
- George Washington
The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.
- H. L. Mencken
- Mark Twain
The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates.
- Tacitus
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
- George Washington
The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.
- H. L. Mencken
Okay, so really … how good do you look naked?
US Federal agencies who have argued for the use of x-ray body scanning devices have repeatedly claimed that in recognition of individual privacy rights that the agencies would not store or have the capability to store the images that they capture of people passing through checkpoints which employ the equipment.
The body scanners are controversial to privacy rights groups because the technology produces very detailed images of a person through their clothing rendering them virtually naked to any observer using the device.
The Transportation Security Agency, last summer claimed "scanned images cannot be stored or recorded.".
Yeah, sure.
Word now comes that in contradiction TSA specifications for the scanning equipment that the agency purchases require the scanners to be able to store and transmit images for "testing, training, and evaluation purposes.".
But, TSA promises, the capabilities won’t normally be active.
Wait, it gets better.
The U.S. Marshals Service admitted this week that without public disclosure this police agency secretly saved tens of thousands of images recorded with a body scanner at a single Florida courthouse.
No word on why or what the final disposition is of the stored images.
The body scanners are controversial to privacy rights groups because the technology produces very detailed images of a person through their clothing rendering them virtually naked to any observer using the device.
The Transportation Security Agency, last summer claimed "scanned images cannot be stored or recorded.".
Yeah, sure.
Word now comes that in contradiction TSA specifications for the scanning equipment that the agency purchases require the scanners to be able to store and transmit images for "testing, training, and evaluation purposes.".
But, TSA promises, the capabilities won’t normally be active.
Wait, it gets better.
The U.S. Marshals Service admitted this week that without public disclosure this police agency secretly saved tens of thousands of images recorded with a body scanner at a single Florida courthouse.
No word on why or what the final disposition is of the stored images.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Just one more reason why Pelosi is unfit to be Speaker of the House …..
Rational people with even modest amounts of common sense would agree that it’s sensible and prudent to read a contract before signing it … and at the other end of the spectrum in the alternate universe of Nancy Pelosi we have the now famous remark from the infamously insensible Speaker of the House, “we have to pass a bill so that you can find out what’s in it”.
Well, lah de lah … here’s one of those little gems in the 2500 page health care reform act Speaker Pelosi was referring to.
Democrats in Congress, in their collective zealous stupidity following Pelosi’s lemming march, passed the bill in the face of strong Republican opposition. Democrats provided within the bowels of the measure, language requiring 40 million businesses beginning in 2012 to file an IRS tax form for each vendor with whom they purchase goods of $600 or more per transaction.
Now Democrats don’t want to lay claim to the provision, nor explain what the business regulation is doing in a Health Care Reform bill in the first place, other than it’s supposed to raise $19 billion in new tax revenues.
The IRS says the provision will “bury” the IRS under an avalanche of new paperwork at a cost undoing substantial amounts of the “presumed” new tax revenues. Businesses certainly don’t want it and have begun to express outrage over the provision and the compliance costs they will have to shoulder. Republicans never wanted the legislation in the first place. Democrats are falling all over themselves to distance themselves from the measure.
With Speaker Pelosi’s blessing, House Democrats before their summer recess, late last week, introduced a procedural move requiring a 2/3rds majority to repeal the language – it failed. An earlier effort for an amendment by Republicans also collapsed.
So if everyone wants this nasty little piece of stealth legislation to disappear and just go away what’s the hold up?
Precisely the partisan politics Speaker Pelosi has nurtured and amplified since taking her office.
The GOP would like to repeal all of “Obamacare” out of existence but lack the votes, and alternatively have proposed “finding” the $19 billion in cost cutting from existing programs elsewhere, which naturally the Democrats oppose.
Democrats proposed filling in the $19 billion hole with new taxes on multinational corporations and shutting down gift tax trust exemptions. Republicans oppose these ideas and, indeed, Democrats can’t find enough support among themselves to pass it without Republican help.
And with the mid-term elections looming Republicans are in no hurry to pull Obama out of an embarrassing political jam when his signature accomplishment of Health Care Reform is also drawing fire from all quarters. In large measure we can chalk Republican reluctance up to the hostile partisan environment Pelosi has fostered at every turn.
Nancy Pelosi, Good for the liberal wingnuts among her supporters … but a disaster for America!
Well, lah de lah … here’s one of those little gems in the 2500 page health care reform act Speaker Pelosi was referring to.
Democrats in Congress, in their collective zealous stupidity following Pelosi’s lemming march, passed the bill in the face of strong Republican opposition. Democrats provided within the bowels of the measure, language requiring 40 million businesses beginning in 2012 to file an IRS tax form for each vendor with whom they purchase goods of $600 or more per transaction.
Now Democrats don’t want to lay claim to the provision, nor explain what the business regulation is doing in a Health Care Reform bill in the first place, other than it’s supposed to raise $19 billion in new tax revenues.
The IRS says the provision will “bury” the IRS under an avalanche of new paperwork at a cost undoing substantial amounts of the “presumed” new tax revenues. Businesses certainly don’t want it and have begun to express outrage over the provision and the compliance costs they will have to shoulder. Republicans never wanted the legislation in the first place. Democrats are falling all over themselves to distance themselves from the measure.
With Speaker Pelosi’s blessing, House Democrats before their summer recess, late last week, introduced a procedural move requiring a 2/3rds majority to repeal the language – it failed. An earlier effort for an amendment by Republicans also collapsed.
So if everyone wants this nasty little piece of stealth legislation to disappear and just go away what’s the hold up?
Precisely the partisan politics Speaker Pelosi has nurtured and amplified since taking her office.
The GOP would like to repeal all of “Obamacare” out of existence but lack the votes, and alternatively have proposed “finding” the $19 billion in cost cutting from existing programs elsewhere, which naturally the Democrats oppose.
Democrats proposed filling in the $19 billion hole with new taxes on multinational corporations and shutting down gift tax trust exemptions. Republicans oppose these ideas and, indeed, Democrats can’t find enough support among themselves to pass it without Republican help.
And with the mid-term elections looming Republicans are in no hurry to pull Obama out of an embarrassing political jam when his signature accomplishment of Health Care Reform is also drawing fire from all quarters. In large measure we can chalk Republican reluctance up to the hostile partisan environment Pelosi has fostered at every turn.
Nancy Pelosi, Good for the liberal wingnuts among her supporters … but a disaster for America!
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