Monday, November 25, 2013

Pelosi, Obama, Reid (POR) Affordable Boat Act …

Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Harry Reid have just passed a new law called: "The P.O.R. Affordable Boat Act" declaring that every citizen MUST purchase a new boat, by April 2014.
Discussions of the Bill were kept secret from the public and the Republican caucus of Congress. The vote for passage was along party lines with all DemocRATS voting in favor and all Republicans voting in opposition.

Barack Obama said that the Republicans, being the Party of Nope, clearly can’t see the advantages of affordable boat ownership for ALL Americans and would just as clearly have been obstructionists throughout the legislative process had they been allowed to participate. “I welcome good ideas about affordable boat ownership from anyone, including Republicans, but they have none (good ideas).!”, he added.

These "affordable" boats are available in Bronze, Silver, or Gold versions and will range in price from $50,000 - $125,000 - $350,000 respectively. The price does not include taxes, trailers, towing fees, licensing and registration fees, fuel, docking and storage fees, maintenance or repair costs.

Nancy Pelosi, minority leader of the House of Representatives, said, “This law has been passed, because until now, only wealthy and financially responsible people have been able to purchase boats. This new law ensures that every American can now have an "affordable" boat of their own, because everyone is "entitled" to a new boat.”.

Though the costs of owning a boat will increase on average of 250% - 500% per year principally because of new taxes to be imposed and due to the limited number of Marinas and Docks, it is important that all Americans purchase boats in order to keep the long term future rate of cost increases of new boats under control.   Subsidies of tax dollars will be available to those who presently can’t afford to buy “affordable” boats IF their incomes fall below certain levels. To offset these subsidies new taxes will be imposed upon the wealthy. In this way, wealthy people will pay more for something that other people don't want or can't afford to maintain. 

In a bid to court political support from young voters the law has provisions that permit children up to the age of 26 to be able to use their parent’s boats – but by their 27th birthday they must purchase new boats for themselves.

Obama in an earlier speech promised, "... if you already have a boat, you can keep yours as well as your present Marina or favorite dock, period!". White House staffers quickly issued a press release saying that what Obama meant to say was that if you already own a boat you can keep it or your favorite Marina or dock provided they meet under the new law all government standards, which have yet either to be formulated or disclosed.

If you don't want or don't need a boat, you are required to buy one anyway.  If you refuse to buy one or can't afford one, you will be fined $800 annually until you purchase one or face imprisonment.

Failure to use the boat will also result in fines. People living in the desert; ghettos; inner cities or areas with no access to lakes or other navigable waterways are not exempt. Age, motion sickness, experience, knowledge nor lack of desire to own a new boat are not acceptable excuses for not using your boat.

A government review board comprised of members who aren’t required to know the difference between the port, starboard or stern of a boat or boating in general will decide everything, including when, where, how often and for what purposes you can use your boat along with how many people may ride in your boat and determine if any individual is too old or unhealthy enough to be able to use a boat. They will also decide if your boat has outlived its usefulness or if you must purchase specific accessories or a newer and more expensive boat.

Those that can afford yachts will be required to purchase them. However these “Platinum” versions, though no longer optional for wealthy individuals, will also carry a much higher excise tax because they are “luxury” versions.

The government will also decide the name for each boat.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in fines and possible imprisonment.

It should be noted that all federal officials, politicians, and many federal employees are exempt from this new law. If they want a boat, they and their families can obtain boats free from government warehouses, at the expense of tax payers. Large Labor Unions, Financial Companies and mega Corporations that have previously contributed to the DemocRATic  Party are also exempt if they go through the formality of applying for exempt status.

Asked to comment on the new law, Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader and the largest Pork Barrel spending hog in the Congress said, “Affordable Boats has until now been just a dream of progressives everywhere for 100 years. You know, I just love America” ….

(adapted from unknown author)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama .... Pissing on my back (and yours) !

For 2012 the IRS sent to identity thieves over 4 billion dollars in fraudulent refund checks from taxpayer treasury - many of the checks went to foreigners who, GOLLY GEE, by definition were located in other countries.

If we were going to piss away 4 billion ANYWAY.... wouldn't it have been better for Americans to have pissed it away on, say .... Detroit ?   You know .... a city WHERE other Americans live !

I'm jes saying makes no sense to me that with waste like this IRS mess, Nancy Pelosi can claim with a straight, though surgically altered, face that the "cupboard is bare" and that's why she, Obama, Harry Reid, and the rest of the DemocRATS keep shoving their hands into my pockets for even more of my hard earned dollars for their half assed spending programs - while they leave Detroit abandoned - and can happily send our money instead to crooks overseas without even a second thought about who's actually paying for it and what it cost us.

Son of A Bitch !

Yeah, I kno' when someone's pissing on my back and tryin' to tell me it's jes raining !

How 'bout you America ?

Retirement ? .... There are worse things I suppose...

The only problem with retirement is .... you never get a day off !

Friday, November 22, 2013

Is this the next thing that will kill you ? ....

Recognize it ? No ?

It's a species of yeast and found among plants, soil and air; a pathogenic fungus called Cryptococcus gattii. Still no help ?

Well, if you live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia and you have the great misfortune to accidentally inhale this little nasty or its spores, and it grows within you, your chances of dying as a result are about 1 in 3 especially if you have a compromised immune system due to diabetes, kidney or heart disease.

What's worrying is C. gattii can survive in freshwater. It can survive in saltwater. It can survive in the air. It can survive in dried out soil for years. It is everywhere and it is unstoppable.

It's not real clear what C. gattii's origins are and there are varieties not all of which are as deadly as the VGIIa and VGIIc strains - or how long it's been around in Vancouver.

What is real clear though is it is a serious emerging disease threat and that C. gattii thrives in warmer, dryer weather.

And it's moving steadily south into the US.

Unfortunately, we and yeasts are close biological relatives, so to speak ... as such there are so many commonalities between their cells and our own that it is very difficult to find drugs that can kill yeast cells without killing our own.

And here's the kicker, drug companies aren't racing to find new anti fungal drugs because in part of the high costs associated with the regulations imposed by Congress on the drug companies.

Live in Florida ? Look for C. gattii coming in less than 10 years to a neighborhood near you. It will be elsewhere throughout the country much earlier.

Help ! .... My Computer Crashed. Where's the phone ?

A School Bus in India.

A School Bus in Japan.

What ???  My service call is going to .... India ? Ok, so explain that to me again ....

A Living Will ? .... Yeah, I Used to Have One.

I always told my kids that I never wanted to live in a vegetative state ... useless to anyone, immobile and dependant upon fluids from a bottle.

I told them that if that ever happens to me they could just pull the damn plug....

The little bastards got up, unplugged my computer and threw out my wine !

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Obama Administration .... Really, You're Surprised ?

A few days ago the Obama Administration announced that it failed to do in-depth background checks and may have allowed dozens of Al Qaeda bomb making terrorists – responsible for the deaths of US Military and civilians – into the US and re-settled here throughout the country at taxpayer expense as “war refugees.”

The disclosure is only being revealed now fully 2 years after the arrest of two Al Qaeda operatives in Kentucky in 2011 – and critics are asking “Why the screwup and delay in announcing it?”.

More importantly though, the FBI has launched several counter intelligence operations to determine how many “war refugees” may be Al Qaeda operatives and where they might be since the US has sorta’ lost track of them.

Go here for story coverage:

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ever wonder these days if carrying a concealed firearm is prudent ...?

“... in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count..." Ayo Kimathi

Unbelievably Kimathi is a Homeland Security employee and an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement in charge of buying weapons and ammunition.

Obama's Lip Service to Women, Part 2

Interviewed this evening on Fox News' Special Report about the latest Obama poll numbers drop among women showing that his approval rating had fallen to 40 %, or a ten point decline in one month, Tammy Bruce, a conservative political commentator and feminist, concluded that truthfulness in leadership is an important issue to women and many now believe that Obama has not advanced their interests but only used them for political advantage.

Well, No Shit !!!

Ladies, those of you who supported and voted for Obama are just about 6 years too late at arriving at that conclusion.

And in the meantime your support and that of everyone else who voted for him is in part directly responsible for the disasters unfolding now and those yet to be revealed.

Your lack of a critical appraisal of his campaign rhetoric, character, inexperience and veracity has resulted in an incredible amount of damage to a lot of innocent Americans.

Thanks a Helluva lot !

No doubt you'll make the same damn mistake with Hillary Clinton just because of the "historic opportunity for her to be the first female US President" - not because you've any real justification for supporting her due to her actually deserving it.

And the result will be the same because of her lack of truthfulness and polarizing nature as a progressive ideologue - Hillary Clinton is not a leader; she is a politician whose first inclination is to advance her own interests above everyone else.

David Blaine ....Real or Magic ....Barack Obama ?

Nothing that a magician does is without purpose ... and one not necessarily as perceived by an observer.

Last evening's broadcast of David Blaine's, Real or Magic? with segments  showcasing the reactions of various celebrities such as Harrison Ford, Will and Jada Smith, Woody Allen, Woody Harrelson, Kanye West is a case in point.

Blaine "presented" a gift to President George Bush of Bush's own wristwatch after Blaine removed it from the former President's wrist. The camera angle used to show Blaine's up close and personal brand of sleight of hand actually caught the performer removing the watch while vigorously shaking Bush's wrists as part of an earlier trick's misdirection.

During other bits Blaine astounds his guests by pushing at different times ice picks through his hands and a long needle through his bicep as a horrified Ricky Gervais looks on alternately with disgust, and consternation.

Though the penetrations were real and not illusions as confirmed with xrays and a physician, they were still tricks of technique.

Ok, so how did Blaine pull it off without any blood being spilt ?

The technique is very old in its origins, going back to the nail and needle penetrations of Indian Fakirs. In fact, a more modern stage illusion that evolved from the same feat is the penetration by a needle of a latex balloon that refuses to pop !

In Blaine's adaptation the latex is analogous to his skin.

Blaine uses a carefully prepared ice pick and needle that have been polished very smooth. There are no sharp edges or imperfections in the metal to snag or cut or hang up on tissue, blood vessels, muscles or nerves. The metal tip pushes aside - albeit with much visible effort and twisting - the tissues rather than cutting through them and with no blood loss as a result.

Insulin diabetics can relate from their own personal experience with hypodermic needles. Hypodermic needles have a "cutting" edge that slices through tissue - the resulting bleeding is minor compared to the ease of insertion and consequently less pain is experienced - it's like most things in life, a trade off between consequence and benefit; risk and reward.

As insulin diabetics re-use their needles - yes, they're not supposed to, but many do - after about 6 or 7 times the metal erosion of the needle caused by passing through the skin and tissue dulls the cutting surface to the point where much more force compared to a "new" sharp needle is required to penetrate.

Recalling "nothing a magician does ...." Blaine can be seen wiping down an ice pick with an alcohol wipe,  ostensibly to "disinfect" it before penetration but in reality he's using it to check for any burrs or imperfections in the polish that could catch on tissue in addition he's wiping down the metal needle with lubricant to ease the initial penetration of that needle - much in the same way cooking oil is applied to the meat or grille before it is cooked - fail to do that and muscle tissue pulls away from the steak and sticks to the hot grille. 

That there is no cutting surface on Blaine's ice pick or needle is shown by the amount of force Blaine uses to push it through and by the "tenting" effect seen when the needle is trying to push on from the other side of his skin - no cutting surface and the metal tip acts like a tent pole until it can eventually push aside the tissue and finally emerge - had it had a cutting surface the needle would come through almost effortlessly but with resulting bleeding.

In preparation Blaine has previously found where he can avoid tendons, bones, blood vessels, nerves by trial and error - once found he only needs to repeat the passage with each subsequent performance by beginning with the correct entry point and angle - and from prior performances his skin is already "marked" or even discreetly tattooed to easily find his mark.

The foregoing is an explanation and NOT an instruction manual; Blaine's a highly trained professional and no doubt he has minimized all of the potential hazards to himself.

In regard to pain, Blaine demonstrates his extraordinary self control but nothing more than what other performers can and have achieved before him.

Still why would he subject himself to it ? 


Okay the point of all of this is that seemingly reasonable and intelligent people who have sufficient life experience to know what they are seeing is impossible without some form of deception assign belief to it anyway ... Real or Magic ? ... C'mon, most of those celebrities absolutely know that it's not magic but allow themselves the possibility anyway that somehow in the personage of David Blaine what they've just experienced and witnessed IS indeed magic - in the moment they imagine that Blaine can violate physical reality.

And they come away astounded by the deception.

Ironically, Barrack Obama has used all of the magician's tools of misdirection, patter, illusion, confederates and deceit to accomplish the same effect with a larger, gullible audience of American voters - they too, have suspended their disbelief.

And only now with The Obamacare Debacle have some of them come to realize upon reflection and scrutiny that Obama's patter and promises  haven't matched up well with either his experience, leadership, or truthfulness.

And coincidentally many of those same celebrities who were disarmed by David Blaine, are perhaps not surprisingly also the ardent supporters of Barack Obama having been equally seduced by him  !

I understand that Hillary Clinton is now being tutored with lessons on stage magic ....

Friday, November 15, 2013

Obama .... Lying About the Lies

A prominent Washington politician dies and stands before St. Peter. While awaiting judgment he sees a staggering number of wall clocks; each with a name. His own shows the hands at quarter to 11:00.

The politician asks St. Peter what the clocks are about and St. Peter says, “They’re called “Liar’s Clocks” and each person has one. We use them”, he explains, “to help decide whether a person goes to Hell or Heaven.”.

“How much the hands advance is determined by how frequently you lied and how significant the lies were. That’s Mother Teresa’s clock and the hands have never moved. Yours on the other hand is about typical for a politician.”

Curious, the politician says, “I don’t see Obama’s clock, where’s his?”
“Oh, that one,” says St. Peter, “is in another office. Jesus is using it as a ceiling fan!”.

Amid fresh accusations that his recent speech (insert issue, controversy or scandal of your choice here ... Obamacare, Syria's Red Line, Benghazi Coverup, Immigration Reform, Israeli Security, Iranian Negotiations, Pakistan Corruption, George Bush, Solyndra, Appalachian Coal, Political Payoffs, EPA, Fast n' Furious, Mitt Romney, Susan Rice, Keystone Pipeline, Bin Laden Raid, Drone Assassination Program, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, PayGo, Hurricane Sandy Recovery, 2nd Amendment Rights, IRS Targeting, BP Gulf Recovery, Guantanamo, Immigration Reform, Transparency in Government, Socialist Ideology, Bipartisanship, Federal Budget 4 Trillion Deficit Reduction, NSA Eavesdropping, CIA Rendition and Torture, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Constitutional Authority, Economic Recovery, SEIU, Bill Clinton, Foreign Policy, Islam, Foreign Intelligence Court, Sequester, Financial System Taxpayer Recoveries, Planned Parenthood, Earmarks and Lobbying, Government Shutdown, Indonesia, Abortion, ACORN,  etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. ) was full of distortions and outright lies, Obama supporters deny that the speech was cynical demagoguery.

Liberals have really gotten creative of late, twisting themselves into rhetorical and intellectual pretzels in their efforts to downplay and dismiss Obama’s monumental penchant for deception and lying.

But Obama himself repeatedly reveals in comments what a load of BS their explanations are. The unvarnished truth is and has been, Obama lies by design and for effect !

"I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different stripes project their own views. As such, I am bound to disappoint some, if, not all of them.” –Barack  Obama,  The Economist, Aug 23rd 2008

Yeah, right...of course, it's their fault anyway !!! ... No really, we understand, you couldn’t have possibly said anything that would have appealed to, or falsely encouraged their expectations.

Van Damme's Split .... No Computer Graphics But Still Sleight of Hand ?

Claude Van Damme does an ad for Volvo that's gone viral showing the actor's strength by doing a leg split between 2 moving trucks.

Volvo says that the shot was done in one take and only the safety lines on the trucks and markings on the roadway used to keep Van Damme from killing himself were removed  by computers for the final version.

Volvo also claims that the trucks were driven in reverse,  or was there some sleight of hand  ? .... with Van Damme, unlike what is shown in the aired version, already in the split position as filming began and then the trucks pulled toward each other - was the film then  run in reverse so that it appears that Van Damme moved INTO the split position - a stunt that had it actually been done that way would have been much harder to accomplish.

EVEN SO, whether it happened as claimed by Volvo or shown in reverse it was still a damn impressive feat of strength for a 53 year old !

Not too shabby either for Volvo's drivers and trucks in that case as well.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bill Clinton .... Kills Obamacare and the Obama Legacy

In just a few minutes during an interview yesterday Bill Clinton has done politically what the GOP has failed to do in 4 years - stick a knife so deeply, so forcefully, in the Obama Administration that it has not only fatally wounded Obama's legacy legislation Obamacare but no doubt destroyed his entire second term.

If speculation is correct Clinton did it to distance his wife, Hillary, from the Obama debacle to grease her way to a 2016 Presidential bid.

But masterfully, by rebuking Obama with a single uttered sentence, that the honorable thing for Obama to do in keeping his promise is to change the law in order for people to avoid losing their insurance plans, Clinton also gave Democrats permission to put space between themselves and their blind allegiance to Obama - not just on Obamacare but every other destructive Obama initiative as well.

Obama who's been the most polarizing force in Washington politics in decades has, unlike Clinton, few real allies on either side of the aisle in Congress.

Democrats who were just days ago panicking at the prospect of voter anger in 2014 are now grateful to Clinton for the political cover he has provided them when Obama wouldn't.

But then Clinton is a politician who knows how to govern; while Obama, the ideologue, remains clueless.

Or as one wag has observed, "A politician cares more about what you think; an ideologue cares only about what HE thinks.".

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Obamacare ... Rats Jumping Ship

And ... as the tip of the Obamacare iceberg plows in exorbitantly ahead the true scope of the magnitude of the resulting economic destruction has yet to be revealed. 

Watch resentment and anger build and gather momemtum as Americans discover that they can't find timely medical care, nor adequate numbers of doctors to treat them; that their benefits and reimbursements are fouled up; that prescription services function poorly; that the integrity of their personal information is severely compromised; that no one will effectively mediate their claims or health care experiences and needs; that the national health care administrators and bureaucrats remain distant and uncaring; that privileged political classes receive preferential care and treatment ahead of everyone else; and that ultimately business, inflation, jobs, and voter incomes and savings are compromised.

Panicking Senate Democrats who are vulnerable in the 2014 election cycle because of their support for Obamacare met with the White House recently to discuss what kind of political cover the Obama Administration will provide for them.

And so which was the greater disservice to America ? The callous disregard by Democrats on the impact on the population; a blindly partisan vote on such a significant piece of legislation as healthcare reform -or- a President who knowingly lied to secure his election at the expense of so many people.

These so-called public servants haven't spoken out against the legislation previously. But at the same time they ignored their constituent's concerns; instead they deferred to Obama's now proven lies and spin to placate fears. These politicians are only now breaking ranks from the Obama Administration because they fear their own jobs are in jeopardy because of public anger with the revelations of Obamacare - not because, as yet, they give a damn about the hard working Americans who have been unfairly punished by Obamacare and, it's clear they didn't care because Democrats in voting for Obamacare with its penalty provisions and regulations, screwed all of us.

As self-serving politicians who had been amply warned in poll after poll how Americans at large had rejected the scope of Obamacare, those politicians in the Senate along with their brethren in the House of Representatives who rammed this toxic legislation up our butts are now deserving of being hoisted upon their own "collective" petards ! 

Let the political careers of all the Democrats writhe, whither and blow away in a scouring wind - the toxic DemocRATS earned it !