Saturday, November 9, 2013

Obamacare .... Who's to Blame ?

The train wreck known as Obamacare has yet to manifest itself completely but has so far revealed itself to be the most far reaching disaster in the Nation's legislative history.

So who is to blame for this economic catastrophe imposed upon America ?

Despite all of the press coverage given up to date on the finger pointing, it's not who you naturally might be inclined to believe. No, it's not the dupe who occupies the White House, though Obama's certainly deserving of shouldering most of the blame for the mismanagement of all the tax dollars squandered to date on its implementation and the deceit to "sell" it and himself to Americans.

When she was Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi was the motive force who brought Obamacare into existence in November of 2009. Properly, as Obama was merely a glomming political opportunist who had the fortune to be President at the time of its passage, the Affordable Health Care Act should be called "Pelosicare".

It was Nancy Pelosi who rebuked Obama with "go big, or go home!" when his political will and support faltered after widespread criticism and rejection of the scope of the health care legislation by the majority of Americans and she referred to Obama's retreat to a watered down incremental  version as "Kiddie Care".

It was Nancy Pelosi who engineered secret meetings to craft the bill and ram through a partisan vote for its subsequent passage by reconciling the Senate version in 2010.

It was Nancy Pelosi who defiantly defended the bill against critics by loudly proclaiming that there was nothing "un-American" about the process or its passage even though the proposed legislation had not been read by those voting for it.

It was Nancy Pelosi who arrogantly but prophetically said "we have to pass the bill, so that you can find out what is in it!" What remained unsaid by her at the time was that SHE knew what was in it and that was all that mattered.

And it's only fitting now that Congress consider legislation to throw Pelosi's ass in jail for a long time for the damage she has done to the nation.

Ahh yes, of course there will be those among her supporters who say, "but wait, you can't do that because the Constitution prevents the passage of laws to punish any single individual."

And that is precisely what makes it a so deliriously just punishment as Nancy Pelosi has so often herself by word and deed demonstrated that she cares very little about the US Constitution, its principles or her oath to defend it.

Afterall, Congress can no doubt find the authorization to jail Pelosi under the same "Nancy Pelosi Living Document Clause" of the Constitution that she so often serves up as the basis for her own progressive rationales, interpretations, and actions.

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