Saturday, November 23, 2013

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama .... Pissing on my back (and yours) !

For 2012 the IRS sent to identity thieves over 4 billion dollars in fraudulent refund checks from taxpayer treasury - many of the checks went to foreigners who, GOLLY GEE, by definition were located in other countries.

If we were going to piss away 4 billion ANYWAY.... wouldn't it have been better for Americans to have pissed it away on, say .... Detroit ?   You know .... a city WHERE other Americans live !

I'm jes saying makes no sense to me that with waste like this IRS mess, Nancy Pelosi can claim with a straight, though surgically altered, face that the "cupboard is bare" and that's why she, Obama, Harry Reid, and the rest of the DemocRATS keep shoving their hands into my pockets for even more of my hard earned dollars for their half assed spending programs - while they leave Detroit abandoned - and can happily send our money instead to crooks overseas without even a second thought about who's actually paying for it and what it cost us.

Son of A Bitch !

Yeah, I kno' when someone's pissing on my back and tryin' to tell me it's jes raining !

How 'bout you America ?

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