Tuesday, October 23, 2012

“Obama Bin Laden’s” gun walking scheme …. Bob Schieffer got it right ?

During the last presidential debate, moderator Bob Schieffer flubbed when he mixed up Obama’s and Bin Laden’s names referring to the deceased terrorist as “Obama Bin Laden”.

Romney is now receiving intelligence updates. Both he and Obama during the debate danced around the true identities of the elements in Syrian opposition forces that Romney says deserve our support and to whom Obama has already supplied weapons through secret CIA operations.

Both claim we must be careful as to whom we arm, but in fact we are arming Al Qaeda, and it’s going to literally blow up in our faces. Jordanian authorities broke up an Al Qaeda plot to attack our embassy there using weapons smuggled in from Syria that were supplied to the opposition forces in that country.

In Libya we did the same thing. Al Qaeda linked terrorist cells were formerly our sworn enemies but magically transformed by the administration into “freedom fighters” to aid in the overthrow of Qaddafi.

And lest anyone believe that Libya was such a great success in establishing Democracy there consider the credible published reports that say the human rights violations and atrocities taking place are far worse than when Qaddafi’s tyranny reigned.

Oh well …. Just a few more irritating “bumps in the road” on the way to an “optimal” result.

Now we’re trying the same stagecraft in Syria. But this time the stakes are much, much higher.

This “gun walking” scheme on the part of the Obama Administration and Obama will ultimately make the “fast and furious” debacle look paltry and puny in comparison. It is the Democratic Administration's equivalent of “Contragate”, but this time we’re serving the political interests of Iran, who also tacitly support the so called “freedom fighters” in Syria while maintining their backing of the Syrian regime.

In the meantime Israel waits and its apprehension grows.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Obama, Benghazi, Al Qaeda, CIA, Syria, Turkey, Israel, Iran and Russia ......what if ?

What if there's a more immediate threat to world and US security than Iran obtaining nuclear weapons ? News reports and sources in Israel say that Netanyahu's "red line" won't be breached until late next spring.

Could it be that the WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) located in Syria are far more destructive and insecure than has generally been understood and publicly reported ? Defense Secretary Leon Panetta claims the US has already lost track of some of them. The US has made it clear on more than one occasion what will happen in the way of US intervention if WMD's are mobilized and used against anyone.

What if we are nearing a precipice only the intelligence community understands ? One that is very imminent due to deteriorating political conditions in Syria. Credible reports from widely disseminated sources have shown that Al Qaeda is active in Syria - fighting with the opposition forces challenging Syria's government. The same opposition forces are supported by the US. And In the other corner, supplying the Syrian government with weapons is Putin's Russia. Iran indirectly supports Al Qaeda in Syria while at the same time backing Assad's Syrian regime.

 Ironically, in this conflict the Obama Administration finds itself in the position of arming Al Qaeda terrorists to topple Assad.

Incredibly and secretly, Obama has aligned our interests over Syria with Iran's duplicity. No wonder Israel, an ally has been held at bay by the Administration as Obama tries to walk a "fine line" between his conflicted goals and foreign policy. No wonder too, his Administration is keen not to discuss the extent talks have been carried on with Iran and for what purposes.

In the aftermath of Benghazi, politically, Obama will have an impossible task of revealing and explaining to Americans why their tax dollars are being used by the CIA to arm our Al Qaeda enemy - unless of course Al Qaeda is no longer a threat or non-existent - a perception Obama has tried to create on the campaign trail and from the White House ever since Bin Laden was killed. 

An inconvenient truth for the Administration however is that the CIA operation to arm the Syria opposition forces has been well underway in secret since the fall of Qaddafi's Libya and long before Bin Laden's death.

Al Qaeda elements fighting in Syria with US support are from Libya !

The State Department shows a consulate listed in Tripoli but no consulate in Benghazi - only the media have reported it as a consulate. Both Clinton and Obama have only ever described it as a US "mission".

The CIA operation to oppose the Syrian government and Pro-Syrian forces is based both in Turkey and in Libya more specifically at Benghazi.

There are reports that the CIA is trans-shipping heavy weapons purchased by Saudi Arabia from both Libyan stockpiles left over from the Qaddafi overthrow and Turkey to Syrian opposition forces.

Recently the Israeli's intercepted a weapons shipment from Turkey.

Pro Syrian government forces have recently "accidentally" attacked Turkey.

It's been speculated that the Benghazi compound was a secure meeting place for CIA operatives and representatives of governments and forces, including those of Al Qaeda to plan and implement the overthrow of the Syrian government. Also that Ambassador Stevens had at various times been a participant in those meetings.

On the day of his death it's been reported that Ambassador Stevens met with a Turkish representative at the Benghazi "mission".

Immediately after the attack the first world leader Obama conferred with was the President of Turkey.

The next day after the attack Libyan officials were surprised at both the number of CIA personnel who evacuated from their country and by the number who were there without their knowledge.

News agencies have been able to report on the ground in Benghazi yet apparently it hasn't been secure enough for the FBI to conduct its investigation into the Benghazi attack. After a month's delay the FBI has had access to the compound, but well after the majority of CIA personnel have left the country.

Presumably a well coordinated and heavily armed force of 125 combatants attacked the compound and took documents - it's been suggested that Ambassador Stevens was killed because he had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time - and it's speculated the attack was directed at the CIA outpost and not the Ambassador !

Incredulously, the Administration is claiming once again that Al Qaeda was not responsible for the attack.

If so, then who was ?

It's been observed that Israel already facing an existential threat posed by Iran was less than enthusiastic about Obama's operation to provide heavy weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria. Israel believing rightfully that the same weapons would ultimately be trained upon and used against their nation. More importantly, an ensconced Al Qaeda in Syria with access to WMD's and reporting to Israel's mortal enemy, Iran, posed an unacceptable security threat. Could an Israeli proxy have been used to thwart the CIA operation by attacking the mission ?

More likely, Pro-Syrian security and intelligence forces were responsible directly or through their own proxies to preserve their regime. In the murky world of spies and constantly changing loyalties it's not inconceivable however that the CIA was compromised by Israel acting in its own defense through the leaking of sensitive information about the operation to the Syrians.

Or, based upon intelligence the US has from phone intercepts, the terrorist cell known as Ansar  al Sharia was directly involved.

Ultimately from the beginning of his term Obama, the ineptly, has been sucked into the Byzantine world of duplicity and intrigue known as Middle Eastern power politics.

Some reports claim that the Obama Administration is looking for a target to attack with drones in retribution. The Libyan government though, it too, suspects Ansar al Sharia complicity is so far unwilling to allow the US to arm its Predator drones patrolling Libyan skies with missiles. Other sources claim that if the "October Surprise" that was expected to be harvested from the short circuited CIA operation won't now materialize for Obama then a mini-one in the form of a retaliatory drone strike will have to do. And the pressure is on to find a suitable target.

Ultimately the Obama Administration and Obama have a colossal intelligence and security screwup on their hands. An operation that conceivably could have yielded an Obama political campaign advantage in his re-election bid against his Republican rival, Mitt Romney.

But the hard ball, dirty Chicago style political lies and misrepresentations of Obama wouldn't ever come into play in this campaign, right ? ... No, of course not.

A pitiful footnote: this entire sorry mis-adventure is but one more example of the US government and its leadership spending more of its time, energies and resources to hide the truth about the details of a blown intelligence operation while the rest of the world and America's enemies look on knowing more of what really took place than do America's citizens.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Obama ....we've come too far to turn back now ... But who needs to turn back when Romney can fix what's wrong.

The Obama campaign sensing that it's previous negative, personal attack advertising isn't resonating very well with voters on October 6th unveiled its new campaign theme about the economy with the "we've come too far to turn back now" missive.

My car stopped working the other day. All in all, even though I bought it used, it's a pretty good car and until now for just about the past 50,000 miles has gotten me where I wanted to be when I wanted to be there.

But the "service engine soon" light had been on for some time. Far, far longer than I really care to admit. I suppose I had my reasons for ignoring the warning for so long but in hindsight none of them were valid - I should have taken it to the garage.

So even though I'd like to go somewhere "forward"' I can't - at least not until the car is fixed.

Fortunately for me it finally stopped running just before the warranty was up.

The guys in the garage said the problem was a "piece of crap" alternator. 

They replaced the defective part with what they said was the best in the industry - solid, trustworthy and dependable - and promised that I wouldn't have anymore problems. 

After all, they said, it's still a pretty good car and got a lot of life in it. I've done business with those guys before and know that I can trust them.

My car, now repaired, is running fine once more. The "service engine soon" light's out too.

I don't think I'll ever ignore it again !

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama's offended ? .... Hell, what about the rest of us !

In  last night's Presidential debate, Obama said that he found it "offensive" that anyone would suggest (dare) that either he or anyone on his team had lied about the Benghazi attack that left 4 Americans dead, "...That's not what we do. That's not what I do as President, that's not what I do as Commander in Chief."

Oh really ... Indignation coming from a proven liar ?

Well, Mr. President here's what I find offensive - you made a promise to govern all of us together, to start anew by throwing off the influence of paid lobbyists, to create a transparent government, and to bring us together to resolve our differences.

It's not just your critics who say you failed, you graded yourself a failure.

And when America desperately needed the leader you promised to be you failed in achieving anything close to the standards you yourself set. You drove a wedge deeper to divide us. You delivered to us instead a partisan ideologue - not a healer, not a reformer, not someone truly interested in the welfare of ALL Americans, but a guy who likes to make speeches filled will hollow promises.

What we got was Barack the perpetual fund raising campaigner, the partygoer, the golfer, the guy always on a family vacation, and the guy with a zillion "air miles" to and from God only knows where. 

Despite your protestations that "you work hard" what we do know is that you're not in Washington hard at work doing our business.

Your day and calendar might be occupied but you don't know what "hard work" is.

The rest of us do - our daily lives are harder, more difficult, filled with more stress and anxiety and worse now because of your failed, thoughtless policies and politics, and your overall ineptitude and incompetence as a leader.

When the rest of America has trouble putting 2 dimes together, you're living the high life at our expense on the public dime - only it's not pocket change you're diverting from our Treasury - your parties, your golfing, your family vacations, your travel, your entourage, your travel and accommodations, and your security  - all the personal perquisites you claim for yourself cost the rest of us 1.2 billion dollars a year !

Are you still tone deaf ? An astounding 1.2 billion a year for your larks !

All the while 23 million of the rest of us can't find good work and 47 million Americans depend upon food stamps to put food on the family table.

If I could have had any say whether that 1.2 billion was spent on coddling your ass, or having America's starving children go to bed with a full belly and warm roof over their heads - it'd be no contest.

No Obama ..... What's truly, truly offensive to me is  .... You !!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hillary Clinton responsible for Benghazi .... Uh huh !

Security failures in the Benghazi terrorist attack tragically left US Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens and 3 others dead. Tonight, Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, said she accepts personal responsibility for the outcome of the consulate assault.

Horse shit !

What exactly does she "accepts personal responsibility" actually mean? She'll tender her resignation ? Make personal restitution to the families ? Appear before Congress, under oath, and tell the truth about the entire sorry mess about her involvement and of others; especially those now squirming in the White House over the affair ?

Do all those things and I'm a believer .... Yeah, I'll hold my breath.

Travel back to the Waco, Texas siege in 1993 when then Attorney General, Janet Reno also "accepted personal responsibility" for some 10 deaths resulting from an ill-advised, overzealous government use of lethal force. Unbelievably she avoided any political consequence to her career. Since then a string of parroting politicians have performed the masterful and magical incantation "I accept responsibility" for their fuck ups and successfully dodged consequence, too. Hillary Clinton plans to be the latest.

God, how Liberal America loves contrition - sincere and otherwise.

Politicians may be many despicable things but they are quick learners; especially when it comes to their own political survival.

And let's not forget, Hillary is first and foremost a "progressive, liberal" politician - not a career, non-partisan diplomat.

What beats in her heart and toils in her brain is naked ambition and self-interest !

This is nothing more than cold calculation by Clinton and the Obama administration timed just before the 2nd Presidential debate in the belief that the public can focus on only one thing at a time and their hopes an accommodating liberal press will let the debate command the stage and let everything else be swept away from public focus and scrutiny.

Benghazi and a failed worldwide Obama foreign policy - exit stage left !

"Coverups are initiated to protect someone at the top; not protect someone at the bottom. ca " - K.T. MacFarlan, national security expert

Saturday, October 13, 2012

CAUTION !!! ...... Student Driver Ahead !

Obama's terribly fond of using an automobile as a metaphor for his notions about how the economy took a nosedive and who bears responsibility. 

He sees himself as the driver behind the wheel pulling the economy out of the ditch. And he's not planning on giving the keys back to the GOP either, thank you !

Unfortunately for the rest of us, Obama, who only has his learner's permit, doesn't begin to comprehend he's got the gears stuck in neutral and that he's just spinning the wheels, making a lot of smoke and noise, AND despite his and liberal's protestations, the economy's still stuck in the ditch !

And just what the hell is a student driver doing in charge of the keys for the family car in the first place, anyway ?

How Much Time Do Ya’ Need Anyway ? .....

In a week – 

40 hours devoted to work

56 hours for sleep

72 hours left over for the maintenance of self, spirit, family and household

And yet, the average American spends 58 hours of those precious 72 in numb stupor in front of the TV.

What's a chief reason for America's decline ..... Oh, I dunno...

When I get to Heaven .....

A prominent Washington politician dies and stands before St. Peter. While awaiting judgment he sees a staggering number of wall clocks; each with a name. His own shows the hands at quarter to 11:00.

The politician asks St. Peter what the clocks are about and St. Peter says, “They’re called “Liar’s Clocks” and each person has one. We use them”, he explains, “to help decide whether a person goes to Hell or Heaven.”.

“How much the hands advance is determined by how frequently you lied and how significant the lies were. That’s Mother Teresa’s clock and the hands have never moved. Yours on the other hand is about typical for a politician.”

Curious, the politician says, “I don’t see Obama’s clock, where’s his?”

“Oh, that one,” says St. Peter, “is in another office.....Jesus is using it as a ceiling fan !!!”.

Liberals have really gotten creative of late, twisting themselves into rhetorical and intellectual pretzels in their efforts to downplay and dismiss Obama’s monumental penchant for deception.

But Obama himself shows what a load of BS their explanations are. The unvarnished truth is and has been - Obama lies by design and for effect !

“I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different stripes project their own views. As such, I am bound to disappoint some, if, not all of them.” – Barack Obama, The Economist interview - Aug 23rd 2008

Yeah, right...of course, it's their fault anyway !!! ... No really, we understand, you couldn’t have ever possibly said anything that would have appealed to, or falsely encouraged their expectations.

If you have your health .... You have everything !

Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. 

Well, for example, the other day I went downtown and into a shop. I was only there for about 5 minutes, and when I came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket.  

I said to him, “Come on, man, how about giving a retired person a break”? He ignored me and continued writing the ticket.

I called him a “Jackass”. He glared at me and wrote another ticket for worn tires.  

So I called him a “Doughnut Eating Pig.”   He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. 

Then he wrote a third ticket. 

The more I verbally abused him the more tickets he wrote.  This went on for about 20 minutes.  

Personally, I didn't care. 

I'm retired and don't own a car - I came downtown on the bus.   

The car he was putting the tickets on had a bumper sticker that said, “I LUV OBAMA !".

How do I spend my time these days now that I'm retired ???

I try to have a little fun each day.

My doctor says it's important for my health !

Friday, October 12, 2012

Joe Biden for President ! .....

No doubt this morning many progressive Democrats are thinking about last night's vice-presidential debate along those lines - they're wondering is it really too late to swap out Obama as the presidential candidate with Biden in his place?

Biden, having won the debate, in a perverse way though has actually hurt Obama's re-election prospects.

The job last night for the vice-presidential contenders was to bolster their respective bosses'  likelihood of becoming the next president. Not to eclipse them.

Ryan got by and that's about it - neither helping and importantly for Romney not hurting him.

But the more left wing Democrats gloat over Biden "having knocked it out of the park" and having "buried Ryan" only serves to remind voters of the stark contrast of Obama's pitiful performance in the first debate - leaving even the most casually informed among them to come to the realization that Joe "the gaffe clown" might actually be a better candidate than Obama.

And Romney, for the time being, shines on.

Talk about a painful irony for liberal Democrats !

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pakistan Drones .... Blood on Obama's hands?

The US drone strike operation in Pakistan is classified. However what is known is that Obama personally reviews targets and authorizes strikes.

The consensus view inside the Washington Beltway Bubble is that using drones to remotely kill terrorists is popular among both Liberals and Conservatives. For Conservatives fewer terrorists are alive with fewer US military lives at risk; for Liberals, it proves Obama is a “strong and decisive” leader. The rationale by extrapolation: outside of Washington everyone else in America is in favor of the policy as well.

But the rest of America doesn’t have access to the information they need to make an informed judgment. The program has classified status and the news media choose not to embarrass the Obama administration by asking probing questions.

When questions do arise about whether or not the drone assassination policy is in fact counterproductive to US national security interests now and in the future, the administration offers only vague responses in return.

White House policy expert John Brennan claims civilian deaths as a result of the drone strikes have been "exceedingly rare". Intimating that the strikes are surgical and only the “bad guys” are getting whacked.


We’re talking pounds of explosives packed in a warhead traveling at supersonic velocity and remotely controlled by someone in a darkened cubicle thousands of miles away against groups of people on the ground. Hardly equivalent to the surgical precision of a sniper’s bullet. There must in fact be collateral damage by the choice of the missile weapons platform. But we are to be re-assured and subsequently pacified into believing it is “exceedingly rare”.

Now comes word from Stanford and NYU law schools that only 2% of those killed in drone attacks are high level targets – nearly some 900 other fatalities have been civilians and of those 176 were children.

What’s exceedingly rare is the number of high value terrorists being killed that underpin the justification for using the drones in the first place.

Columbia Law School has also produced a report saying that there is credible evidence that the US is employing a “double tap” tactic in these strikes in which civilians are targeted. After the initial strike when rescuers and emergency personnel respond the US launches a second strike killing those individuals, in the belief, that anyone in proximity must be allied with, if not terrorists, themselves.

It’s important to note that whatever the legality of drone attacks, international law makes a distinction about the targeting and attacking of civilian emergency rescue operations – it’s a “war crime”!

Americans often wonder how it is that much of the rest of the world in conflict areas have come to hate us. This US drone attack policy is perhaps a perfect example - where the US government acts in the name of its citizens and then spends considerable resources to keep what it has done in secret from them; while the rest of the world is fully aware of the truth.

Today and on the Obama watch 74 percent of the population in Pakistan now believes the US is its enemy. Is it any wonder why, when an American President orders the trigger to be pulled thousands of miles away and as collateral damage, Pakistan’s children die?

Does it take any real stretch of the imagination to guess where America’s next wave of terrorism is being incubated today?

I imagine the nominating committee for the Nobel Peace Prize feel like duped assholes….
