Thursday, September 9, 2010

Go get im' Nancy! ..... Go, Go, Go.

About a month ago White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, speculated on the performance of Democrats in the upcoming midterm congressional elections. He didn't think they would do well.

Immediately after wards speaker of the house, Nancy "Swamp" Pelosi lashed out at and ridiculed Gibbs calling him politically inept and stupid since his remarks in her view compromised her ability to fleece, err, "raise" more money for DNC election coffers.
Yesterday in an interview, Obama echoed Gibbs' sentiments, "if (the midterm elections) are a referendum of people being satisfied with the economy, then we're (Democrats) not going to do well.".

A collective and furious groan went up from all of the Democrats who were compromised by the Obama /Pelosi legislative agenda and whose prospects for re-election are now in jeopardy.

How many buses does Obama have at his disposal ?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise ... Iran Has More Nuclear Material Than Thought

The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) announced that Iran's unstable and extremist leader, Ahmadinejad has his hands on more nuclear material for atomic weapons than was at first thought ... or, read that as .... the US government was ever willing to disclose.

They also announced that since 2004 Iran has been aggressively working on a continuous program to place a nuclear payload on a missile. Again, official pablum spoon served to the public assured us that was not the case.
The IAEA report came to several conclusions including: Obama's pursuit of sanctions against Iran have and continue to fail to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapons capability and the IAEA is no longer capable of detecting military aspects of Iran's nuclear programs.

Hopefully, Israel's intelligence community is either 1) smarter and better informed than our own and 2) not handicapped by deceiving politicians, and 3) unwilling to rely on US provided intelligence assessments.

Iran, knowing full well that the only response likely from a weak Obama is more "pretty speeches", in this prediction can be counted upon when in possession of a fully operational nuclear device and missile platform to deliver it, to either a) annex territory from Iraq uncontested and or, b) use it against Israel to make good on its threat to wipe that nation off the face of the earth.

In 2012 They'll Throw Him Under The Bus ... One Term Obama

You can pretty much forget about whether the majority of Americans care one way or the other about the philosophical and ideological debates, gyrations and contortions of the right and the left. What they care about most, all other things equal, and certainly at election time during periods of economic distress is "how fast money is either flowing into or out of my pocketbook!".

And witnessing the steady erosion of Obama's and The Party of Dopes popularity it's pretty clear most Americans now firmly believe it's the latter injury. They are fed up with the irresponsible handling of the nation's treasury by the present Washington leadership. They are now convinced after nearly 2 years, Obama and company sold them a bill of goods and failed miserably at delivering the same.

The general perception is if Obama doesn't "get it" with respect to their economic plight then he must not really care or give a damn about them - either way, political poison for Obama and the Democrats in the upcoming mid-term congressional elections this November.

What Obama has vaguely come to understand is he's now very vulnerable of becoming the dreaded one term president - a legacy of personal irrelevance - and summarily pushed out of office for it. So much so a concern for his handlers, they've tried to enlist the service of Obama's enemy during the 2008 presidential election, former president Bill Clinton. Ironic, since after Obama played the race card and insinuated that Clinton was a racist during the nominations, Clinton has seethed with vitriol. Insiders reported that when it came to support for Obama during the election Obama could "kiss his (Clinton's) ass.".

Clinton, whose popularity with the American electorate far exceeds Obama's has unique leverage presently. Obama's asked him to campaign for vulnerable Democrats and should Clinton be successful those same Democrats will be beholding to him not Obama, who's put them in jeopardy.

And as part of his stumping Clinton is reminding everyone that Obama himself pointed out during the campaign "if you don't like my policies, don't elect me to a second term". Ah, truer and more prescient words were never spoken!!!

And if Obama or his handlers object publicly, Clinton's defense is exquisite, "Hey, He SAID it first.".

But there are other signs that Clinton, who's far more astute than Obama, has recognized an opportunity to exploit which Obama has failed so far to comprehend. There is open speculation that the Clintons - Bill and Hillary - are actively posturing now for when the time comes to nominate a presidential candidate within the next 2 years that the DNC will grasp Obama can't win a second term. If the Democrats are to retain the White House better to toss Obama under the bus and run Hillary for president instead.

Bill Clinton understands that revenge, especially in politics, is a dish best supped cold!

Pulling the bus out of the terminal is Lynn Forrester de Rothschild, formerly a top Democratic fund raiser, who as recently as last week made it known publicly she won't do any fund raising for Obama in the future. Asked whether she thought Hillary would become the vice presidential candidate replacing Biden she brushed the inquiry aside as speculation - better not to dwell on THAT thought when your eye is on the top slot. A close personal friend of Hillary's, she made no commitments to NOT raise money for Hillary if Hillary should be the presidential candidate of the DNC.

Indeed Rothschild launched into an acerbic attack on what she described as the elitist Obama. Rothschild charged that he "is divisive" as a leader; and mocks those in disagreement with him. He is so critical of those who disagree, that you are either, "stupid, racist, or not qualified to be in the debate.".

Mutiny in the ranks?

The day after Obama announced his new $50 billion stimulus initiative, Hillary points out that America's high and ever increasing debt represents national security issues for the country: first, she says, "it undermines our capacity to act" in our national interests and secondly, it broadcasts a message of weakness to our enemies and allies.

Translation: "My boss, Obama, doesn't know what the hell he's doing!"

Still unconvinced? Well then, last but not least adding fuel to the fires of speculation is that tell all, always infallible indicator - Hillary has changed her hairstyle!

Or, is it just possible that Bill's planning on screwing Hillary one more time for old time's sake, and calculating a trajectory for his own third term? Nah, no way the thought ever crossed his mind ... or,?

And Obama said "Let's Be More Like France".....

Yesterday, union demonstrations across the whole of France brought that entire nation to a virtual standstill.

What were they protesting? Their President, Sarkozy wants to move the retirement age from 60 to 62

The same unions are calling for another country wide strike on Sept. 23rd..

Obama, The Sharpest Pencil In The Box, He Ain't ....Part 2

If asked to rank the terrorist attacks on 9.11.2001 in severity most Americans could probably quickly come to agreement the Pennsylvania crash site was 3rd, The Pentagon 2nd, and the World Trade Center towers the most disastrous of the three.

As a consequence it doesn't require a degree in rocket science to come up with any insight as to which of the 3 memorial services probably has the most importance, at least superficially, to most Americans.

Obama, with the full prowess of his mighty intellect on display and bolstered by his keen insight of what's important to the American public, has decided for the 2nd year in a row NOT to attend the ground zero memorial service in NYC. Yep, apparently this year's lame excuse is the man's running scared of the ground zero mosque protesters or maybe it's just an expedient and what ultimately will prove to be another foolish political decision on his part.


CAUTION .... Obama, Student Driver Ahead!

Obama's terribly fond of using an automobile as a metaphor for his notions about how the economy took a nosedive and who bears responsibility. He sees himself as the driver behind the wheel pulling the economy out of the ditch. And he's not planning on giving the keys back to the GOP either, Thank You!

Unfortunately for the rest of us, Obama, who only has his learner's permit, doesn't begin to comprehend he's got the gears stuck in neutral and that he's just spinning the wheels, making a lot of smoke and noise, AND the economy's still stuck in the ditch!

And what the hell is a student driver doing in charge of the keys for the family car in the first place ?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Obama and The Party of Dopes … at it again with your money!

Obama, on Monday, proposed a brand new stimulus package of $50 billion in new spending on infrastructure improvement and business tax breaks. The spending, he says, will be substantially “front loaded” to immediately speed on the recovery process and create jobs – this little maneuver comes since early critics say that the program spread out over 6 years can hardly be called “immediate” in its effect! The GOP says use the unspent money from the earlier $826 billion Stimulus bill instead.

Others see this as just another Obama political payoff as most construction industries are dominated by unions.

Many question what “front loading” really means for any recovery – in the case of tax benefits due to accelerated depreciation it would be instructive to note that most businesses presently need “top” line revenues to take advantage of “bottom” line tax credits.

Obama proposes that through 2011 businesses can fully depreciate expenses for new equipment rather than spread it out over several years. That way he promises that companies that need more cash because of the economic downturn will have some and other larger companies that don’t need cash will have the incentive to “spend” the cash they do have to gain the advantage of the tax credits. And, voila – more demand, more jobs, the economy corrects and, oh joy, everyone’s happy!

Unfortunately there’s a lot of reality standing in the way of the Obama economic fantasy.

First, accelerated depreciation to the tune of 50% ALREADY exists in the so-called Obama/Pelosi $826 billion Stimulus that was previously passed – it’s called Section 179 bonus drepreciation writedown – and NOBODY’s taking advantage of it.

So the Obama thinking is “Well, then let’s DOUBLE it to 100%, surely it will work then!”

Really ? Of Course ...Twice as much unfocused thinking is always better!

For most businesses the advantage of tax credits is to offset higher taxes that would otherwise be due on and further reduce profits – but if you don’t have the revenues to generate profits to be protected from taxes by tax credits it hardly makes any sense to spend MORE money on new equipment and further reduce those profits to get the tax credits you can’t use anyway – in other words you can’t take advantage of tax credits if you can’t produce sufficient profits in the first place!

But as with most things promoted by our Government there are also strings attached to a 100 % write down for depreciation – whatever you write off now you can’t write off in future years when taxes and regulatory compliance costs MAY be higher – any bets of that likelihood with this Administration ? So do you gain a short term advantage and a longer term disadvantage? A question most companies will ask in order to decide on any presumed economic advantage in rushing out as Obama expects to purchase new equipment.

As a businessman why would you, for example, take on more debt or reduce your cash in the prevailing economic uncertainty to buy new equipment and increase capacity that you don’t need if there’s no increased or very little demand for your goods and services?

Well, one reason would be that you expect that demand will improve in the near future – but that’s hardly the situation or sentiment now.

Instead corporations are conserving cash - estimates put non-financial corporations having
accumulated nearly $2 trillion and being kept liquid - chiefly because of the uncertainty about future costs coming out of Washington's zealousness for regulation and taxes. At the same time those companies also presently have about $8 trillion in liabilities - very few of them can afford to see their revenue streams compromised any further by worsening unemployment levels with a consequential drop in demand for their goods and services.

Meanwhile Obama continually fails to understand that an important part of “demand” and the vitality of the economy is psychological for consumers and buyers – “I’ll take a chance now, because I think it’ll be better in the future”, or “I want that because I believe my ability to pay for it in the future is not compromised.”

The most immediate thing this Administration could do now for American business in restoring the economy and jobs is to end the uncertainty that hangs over the nation’s businesses about what their costs will be like in the future because of Obama’s agenda for taxes, regulatory compliance, and socialism.

And the most effective and immediate way to stimulate aggregate demand is to do what the Republicans have already said to do and Obama stubbornly refuses to accept – cut employer and employee payroll taxes - to put more money in the hands of American workers and employers.

But Obama, the socialist ideologue, steadfastly continues to punish American families, workers and businesses by wasting opportunities and taxpayer dollars with ineffective solutions for jobs and economic recovery.

But then, really what else could you expect from “The Party of Dopes”?

Cause and Effect ....

If the Republicans are "The Party of Nopes", it's because the Democrats are "The Party of Dopes".

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What would a rally of 500,000 liberals look like? ….

This past weekend Glenn Beck organized a non-political and spiritual rally in Washington DC. Based upon some estimates, 500,000 people decided to attend the event which had as its theme, “Restoring Honor in America”.

Alarmist warnings by liberal and leftist commentators claimed that attendees were racially motivated bigots and represented no less than a seething pit of hatred and potential violence.

They predicted all hell would break loose since the rally was being held on the same day as another celebrating Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement.

Topics which incidentally were part of the program and embraced by the Beck audience.

Interestingly, there were no arrests, no confrontations and attendees were well behaved. Park Service personnel, expecting a large amount of trash as is usually the case for public turnouts of this magnitude, were surprised the Mall was left as clean at the end of the rally as it had been before.

So in contrast, what would a rally of 500,000 people representing historically left leaning organizations look like?

Would a smoldering battle zone emerge afterwards; something akin to the LA riots of past, with embattled police cordons, and roving mobs of disorderly, violent and looting protestors. Or, would they be as civil and as orderly as the Beck rally?

Well, there may be a chance to find out … On October 2nd the AFL CIO is calling upon its member chapters and affiliated organizations, to stage a counter political rally and march on Washington DC as a protest against Congress and the Administration regarding the economic recovery, peace and justice.

One group, Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign pleads, “We are asking you, our readers and supporters, to get your unions, state labor federations, regional central labor councils, civil rights organizations, antiwar coalitions, and community groups to endorse these demonstrations and to help build them, especially if you are located in the general vicinity of either event.”

Asserting further, the group’s co-conveners, Bill Leumer and Alan Benjamin wrote, “Politicians act in their own self-interest. But often their self-interest lies in responding positively to whichever sector of the population is exerting the most pressure on them….. Such demonstrations have succeeded in bringing down governments.”

Apparently an entirely different emphasis geared toward political confrontation than Beck’s spiritual one of hope, faith and charity!

Can the liberals muster the self discipline to the standard set by the Beck rally attendees? Well, we'll see soon enough.

The Party of "Dopes" ...

The Party of "Dopes" - Tax and Spend Democrats

Obama, The Sharpest Pencil In The Box, He Ain't ...

By now it's pretty obvious to most of those who had hoped and counted upon Barack Obama being a moderate and pragmatic leader who would heal divisions in America, is merely another in a long line of deceiving and disappointing politicians - a poseur .

It's also painfully obvious that his only skill set is that of a campaigner and author of "pretty speeches". We were assured by his campaign machine that he possessed keen insight, intellect and political acumen. Yet, it's clear he lacks the organizational and administrative abilities necessary to effectively prioritize, delegate, manage and follow through on the nation's business and vital interests.

Obama is a far left liberal ideologue trying to force a country of right of center moderate conservatives to go where they do not want to go.

Senatorial hopeful from Alaska, Joe Miller summarizes it this way, "Obama is bad for America."

Can there be any good outcome?

Thank God For The Party Of "Nope"....

Tax and Spend Democrats, or, The Party of "Dopes" got a surprise this morning with the revelation that Obama's chief spokesperson for his economic council, Christine Romer has determined that there is no "magic fix" for the economy. But rather, effective stimulation of the economy will now require the production of sufficient aggregate demand through both spending and less taxation.

Well, Romer's finally got half of it right now. But imagine the consternation of the Democrats when they learned of becoming the Party of "Tax LESS and Spend". Sounds suspiciously like a bunch of Liberal Republicans!

Romer's announcement comes on the heels of an exhortation by the White House to Congress to do something ... anything ... immediately to stem the tide of bad economic news, "C'mon guys, give us Democrats some political cover so we can maneuver for the November elections.".

Romer didn't specify which part, Tax Less, or Spend, needed to be emphasized the most. But all of this flies in the face of her's, Obama's and the Democrat's advance rhetoric for passage of the unprecedented and unfunded Stimulus, or "Spendulus" Bill. It bears repeating here - we were told by these folks that the gargantuan $826 billion spending spree was the magic necessary to right the economy and restore jobs. Only the spending bill could do it - there was an outright rejection of less taxation or even a passing thought about exploding deficits and their consequences.

To the contrary on a regular basis economics wizard, VP, Joe Biden enthusiastically points to the incredible and remarkable success of the bill despite the fact that 14.6 million Americans remain out of work and the unemployment rate has barely moved off the 10% rate that existed prior to its passage. Hey Buddy, got a job, yet? No? Well don't sweat it, smokin' Joe says everything's fine.".

Meanwhile, Obama flits back and forth indecisively and can't seem to make up his mind about what IS the first priority of his Administration - Health Care Reform, wait no, it's Cap & Trade, uhh no, the war in Iraq, nope on Tuesday it's finally the Economy, but that was yesterday too, today, well, it's the Peace between Israel and Palestine. 

Here's something to help you focus Obama - "GET ME A JOB !"

You may recall that before Stimulus passage Republicans argued for Employer payroll tax cuts. They said it would provide incentives to keep people employed and create new job hires. They also wanted Employee payroll taxes cut so that paychecks were larger and workers could pay their bills and spend the money sustaining and creating jobs through consumer demand. These steps, Republicans said would be more efficient and immediately more productive than a Stimulus bill phased in over 3 years.

Obama's response, "we don't need to return to the failed policies of the past", and the Republicans, "don't offer any new ideas, they're the Party of "Nope".

Now though having foolishly squandered our treasury on such "worthy job creating" projects as new habitat for San Francisco Bay area rodents, international ant research, voter opinions, road signage announcing the stimulus, interstate highway overpasses for turtles, contraceptives and a home range for wild mustangs and thousands of other languishing liberal wish list projects, it appears that those "miserable failed policies of the past", eg. less taxes, might have been a more effective means of restoring the economy and jobs all along. Golly Gee, imagine that!

And it begs the question; when there was such a clear choice; put the money directly into the paychecks of American workers or piss it away on a washtub full of unfulfilled liberal dreams and schemes why did Obama and Pelosi not choose to help American workers directly? What is it that they don't trust about Mr. and Mrs. and Ms. America keeping more of their earnings immediately?

Could it possibly be Obama and Pelosi understand that the average person having more money in a paycheck from smaller payroll taxes might come to the realization that the US government doesn't need to have its hands so deeply in American pockets after all? And with that revelation, the American taxpayer may not want to ever re-start giving it back when the economy turns around.

My God, what a radical thought - smaller government simply because the US government has to do what every American family already does - learn to do more with less.

Obama, the Art of the Lie .... All Comfy and Cozy at the Inaugural While Staten Island Freezes !  
2012 Presidential Elections .... 10 Lessons Learned.  
What Harry Reid Thinks of Americans …. You Stink!  
Obama, the Art of the Lie .... not one dime!  
Ayn Rand Lives On (still) ....Obama /jarrett Ineptocracy  
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - nitwit extraordinaire  
Nancy Pelosi .... You can't fix stupid !  
Obama, naked and alone ... during the debate  
What Abraham Lincoln Understood .... Leadership 
What Abraham Lincoln Understood .... Constitutionality  
If you have your health .... You have everything !  

Hillary Clinton ... "I Consider Myself A Progressive Democrat"

Hillary Clinton, on behalf of the Obama Administration, presented the first ever report on Human Rights violations in the United States to the United Nation's Human Rights Council detailing the violations in the US that the Obama Administration believes are worthy of reporting to that body at large for comment and recommendations.

These included Arizona's recently passed Immigration bill which mirrors US Federal Law, high unemployment rates, hate crimes, poverty, poor housing, lack of access to health care, and discriminatory hiring practices affecting Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, South Asians, Native Americans, and homosexuals and included sexual assaults in US prisons and detention of suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay.

Apparently America's shortcomings, these so-called "atrocities", have been elevated by Clinton and Obama to the same status of murderous acts of torture and genocide, due to ethnic and religious discrimination and persecution, found elsewhere in the world and routinely reported to the same council.

In this litany of apologetic soul searching, what was conspicuously absent were the citations of incidents of violence against Tea Party participants, voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party and fraud committed by ACORN.

Gee, how could any of those have possibly ever been overlooked ?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

America .... The Four G's

"God, Guns, Guts, and Good Business - built this country!" - S. Luhrs, 1976

Principle #5 .....

"There is never enough time in the day to do all that you could possibly accomplish with respect to the first 4 Principles -be thankful for tomorrow's opportunities." - S. Luhrs 1986

Principle #4 .....

"Nothing of lasting value was ever created until it was actually paid for - whether in blood, sweat, tears or money." - S. Luhrs, 1986

Principle #3 .....

Treat all of your constituencies - shareholders, customers, employees/retirees, vendors, and community - as you would want to be treated yourself. -"The Golden Rule", - Jesus Christ, 33 BCE

Principle #2 ......

"Without compromising quality, the lowest unit cost producer has all of the competitive advantages" - S. Luhrs, 1985

Principle #1 ......

"Good customers are hard to find but usually easy to keep as long as you do your part" - H.E. Luhrs, 1935

Value ....... or, buyer's remorse ?

Bush's Iraq War ------------------ $702 billion *

Obama/Pelosi's Stimulus ----- $826 billion **

* US Dead 4,400 casualties 62,000, equals devastated American families
** US unemployed 14.6 million, equals devastated American families

Ah, yes ... the value we get from our politicians !

Shimmy .... On

"Egyptian figure eight", "shoulder shimmy", "hip-bounce", "Maya hips", "hip-piston", "hip pop", "1,2,3 hop", "snake arms", "cut-turn", "Sa'idi turn", "'hip-rotation", "tremor figure-eight", "grapevine", traveling step, "falling leaves", "head-slides", "hip-down Ronde de Jambe", "hip-circle", "step/touch/step", "Turkish bump", "chest-circle", "liquid-arms", "three-step turn", "Gawazzi step", "cabaret shimmy", "side-step arm-sweep", "chest camel", "hip circles", "Turkish figure-eight", "belly-rolls", and "Zaar-head"... I don't really know anything about the art form, but I do know it looks good.