And ... as the tip of the Obamacare iceberg plows in exorbitantly ahead the true scope of the magnitude of the resulting economic destruction has yet to be revealed.
Watch resentment and anger build and gather momemtum as Americans discover that they can't find timely medical care, nor adequate numbers of doctors to treat them; that their benefits and reimbursements are fouled up; that prescription services function poorly; that the integrity of their personal information is severely compromised; that no one will effectively mediate their claims or health care experiences and needs; that the national health care administrators and bureaucrats remain distant and uncaring; that privileged political classes receive preferential care and treatment ahead of everyone else; and that ultimately business, inflation, jobs, and voter incomes and savings are compromised.
Panicking Senate Democrats who are vulnerable in the 2014 election cycle because of their support for Obamacare met with the White House recently to discuss what kind of political cover the Obama Administration will provide for them.
And so which was the greater disservice to America ? The callous disregard by Democrats on the impact on the population; a blindly partisan vote on such a significant piece of legislation as healthcare reform -or- a President who knowingly lied to secure his election at the expense of so many people.
These so-called public servants haven't spoken out against the legislation previously. But at the same time they ignored their constituent's concerns; instead they deferred to Obama's now proven lies and spin to placate fears. These politicians are only now breaking ranks from the Obama Administration because they fear their own jobs are in jeopardy because of public anger with the revelations of Obamacare - not because, as yet, they give a damn about the hard working Americans who have been unfairly punished by Obamacare and, it's clear they didn't care because Democrats in voting for Obamacare with its penalty provisions and regulations, screwed all of us.
As self-serving politicians who had been amply warned in poll after poll how Americans at large had rejected the scope of Obamacare, those politicians in the Senate along with their brethren in the House of Representatives who rammed this toxic legislation up our butts are now deserving of being hoisted upon their own "collective" petards !
Let the political careers of all the Democrats writhe, whither and blow away in a scouring wind - the toxic DemocRATS earned it !
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