Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bill Clinton .... Kills Obamacare and the Obama Legacy

In just a few minutes during an interview yesterday Bill Clinton has done politically what the GOP has failed to do in 4 years - stick a knife so deeply, so forcefully, in the Obama Administration that it has not only fatally wounded Obama's legacy legislation Obamacare but no doubt destroyed his entire second term.

If speculation is correct Clinton did it to distance his wife, Hillary, from the Obama debacle to grease her way to a 2016 Presidential bid.

But masterfully, by rebuking Obama with a single uttered sentence, that the honorable thing for Obama to do in keeping his promise is to change the law in order for people to avoid losing their insurance plans, Clinton also gave Democrats permission to put space between themselves and their blind allegiance to Obama - not just on Obamacare but every other destructive Obama initiative as well.

Obama who's been the most polarizing force in Washington politics in decades has, unlike Clinton, few real allies on either side of the aisle in Congress.

Democrats who were just days ago panicking at the prospect of voter anger in 2014 are now grateful to Clinton for the political cover he has provided them when Obama wouldn't.

But then Clinton is a politician who knows how to govern; while Obama, the ideologue, remains clueless.

Or as one wag has observed, "A politician cares more about what you think; an ideologue cares only about what HE thinks.".

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