(orignally posted 9.27.12)
News reports this morning indicate that US intelligence determined on the same day of the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi in which 4 Americans including the US Ambassador to Libya were murdered that they had made it known to the Obama Administration that an arm of Al Qaeda was responsible.
Obama as yet in any public appearance or speech has refused to acknowledge that Al Qaeda was responsible and that it was a planned terrorist attack designed to coincide with the September 11th anniversary of the Al Qaeda attack on the twin trade towers in New York City in 2001.
Obstinately, Obama's minions (UN ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Press Secretary Jay Carney) in the early days unequivocally insisted it was not a terrorist attack but merely the result of spontaneous mob violence incited by an inflammatory anti-Islamic video on U-tube, a notion which has been discredited by most informed observers including recently the President of Libya. Since then Rice, Clinton, and Carney have awkwardly "walked back" their earlier assertions - it had become increasing apparent even to the trio as to how ludicrous their positions appeared to everyone else.
On a side note, though the Administration was eager to have U-tube yank the video, U-tube has rebuffed Federal officials saying the video falls within its publishing and free-speech guidelines and will remain on the site.
Administration officials though sprang to every opportunity to apologize for free speech in America in an effort to pacify Muslims worldwide.
Questions linger as to how much Obama and his Administration actually knew about a planned attack, whether or not they could have prevented it, and how truthful they have been to date in their disclosures about it.
Obama's steadfast refusal to acknowledge the premeditation by America's Al Qaeda enemy is seen by some observers as his unwillingness to accept the failures in his foreign policy approach. Others believe that with his touting of Osama Bin Laden's death, assassination drone attacks, and assertion that Al Qaeda consequently is no longer a credible threat the recent attack stands as a naked, "in your face Obama", embarrassing contradiction he is unable and unwilling to accept.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
No doubt the Secret Service could find but only one interpretation ...
There's a Texan who says he's planning to put up a roadside billboard that says "Vote for the American".
The reason he's doing it has to do with a Secret Service investigation into his earlier effort. That billboard apparently implored motorists to "Pray for Obama - Psalms 109:8". Which reads in the Bible as, "Let his days be few, and let another take his office."
Are You Better Off Today Than You Were 4 Years Ago - No ? Well take heart ...Nancy Pelosi is !
Based upon her financial disclosure reports to Congress,
Nancy and Paul Pelosi have a net worth of:
2011 $35.2 million
2010 $21.7 million
2008 $18.7 million
It's not the politician who's rich before getting to office
you should worry about, it's the one who becomes wealthy once they're there.
Let’s see Nan’s tax returns!
“You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook.” -
Harry S. Truman
financial disclosure,
nancy pelosi,
tax returns,
The Saudi Gasoline Fix is In …. How Much You Wanna Bet?
While gasoline prices remain high and under pressure elsewhere
in the world, prices here have been stable ($3.80 a gallon down from May 2012)–
and – surprise - just in time for the US elections! At least so they won’t be a
negative factor for the Obama Campaign barring a shooting war between Israel
and Iran.
Wait you say, “That would mean the Saudi’s are interfering
with our election process!” No, it means they were invited to by the Obama
Campaign and pressured perhaps by the Obama Administration. (in the last 4
years Saudi Arabia purchased over 52 billion dollars of advanced weapons systems
from the US – much of it opposed by Israel as a threat to its own national
security interest http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/security/01/09/steeplechase.html
Legendary investor Jim Rogers in an interview and reported
in July 2012 thinks the Saudis want to see Obama re-elected.
Is it at all plausible that the Obama administration
accustomed to using and well criticized for hard ball Chicago style election
tactics would actually violate US law and pressure the Saudi’s to open up the
supply spigot for oil in an effort to drive down gasoline prices at the pump
for political purposes? Or, might they just
bend the law up to the point of breaking it, with well placed official assurances that
Saudi interests would be better served with Obama occupying the White House for
another 4 years - rather than say… oh, I don’t know…. risk an Israeli loving Romney
administration who’s also on public record for supporting energy independence
for the US from Middle Eastern oil by fully developing US oil, natural gas and
arms sales,
gasoline prices,
iran war,
jim rogers,
obama campaign,
oil prices,
oil supply,
saudi arabia,
white house
Obama, the Black Muslim …. Rah! Rah! Rah!
At a recent Washington DC concert singer Madonna proclaimed,
"Y'all better vote for fucking Obama, OK? For better or for worse, we have
a black Muslim in the White House." "That's some amazing shit. It means there
is hope in this country."
As part of her testimonial, Madonna took her shirt off and
pulled her pants down to reveal "OBAMA" was written on her backside.
According to a July 2012 PEW research report 17% of
Americans believe Obama is a Muslim. Apparently Madonna is one of them.
Democrats have gone out of their way to characterize those who believe Obama is a Muslim as lunatic fringe, out of touch with reality. The Obama Campaign spin machine went into overdrive and persuaded news media to describe Madonna as being "confused" and having made a "mistake" with her comments.
Democrats have gone out of their way to characterize those who believe Obama is a Muslim as lunatic fringe, out of touch with reality. The Obama Campaign spin machine went into overdrive and persuaded news media to describe Madonna as being "confused" and having made a "mistake" with her comments.
No word from the White House or Obama Campaign as to whether
or not staffers there are apoplectic over the Madonna endorsement.
update: 9.26.12 Madonna releases a statement to clarify her endorsement: "I was being ironic on stage. Yes I know Obama is not a Muslim (though I know that plenty of people in this country think he is.) And what if he were?..."
Yeah right ...NBFD!
black muslim,
white house
Friday, September 7, 2012
Waste in America... Our Trillions of Tax Dollars Hard at Work, or Hardly Working
First off no one, literally no one really knows the full scope of the amount of money our Federal Government wastes each year.
Despite what the Government would have us otherwise believe, there is no good, comprehensive mechanism having both reliability and integrity to account for all of the waste in government. It is a system lacking effective feedback and any incentive for our politicians to reform when they too often profit from it. There are of course the categories of waste related to outright theft, fraud, and corruption. Easy targets when known and disclosed. There are those related to error. Then there are those in which the distinctions are blurred as to the interpretation of what constitutes waste since "one man's trash is another's treasure". Then there are "Earmarks".
To most people a $500,000 grant to study cattle farting would seem to be an obvious and obscene waste of money; yet the same grant used to study dairy herd metabolic greenhouse gas production of methane might really be worthwhile scientific research for the nation. It often comes down to the agenda and characterization made by the parties of interest, commentators and, or critics.
What our Federal Government so often fails to do however, is what the private sector does with rigor: assess the efficiency of the utilization of the money spent and evaluate the benefits derived in return.
If the Federal Government did the same comprehensively, then there'd be a helluva lot less debate over the "interpretation" of what was wasted or not. It would also make the process of spending a lot more vulnerable to both scrutiny and revelation. In turn the process of establishing priorities effectively when resources are limited would become more responsive than it is today.
But then, few politicians would warm up to those "reforms" since they could no longer benefit from the political cover and opportunities the current quagmire provides them. They have no incentive for accountability reforms when they can gain so much more presently for themselves and their financial backers with virtually no political risk to either.
For 2008 multiple efforts to identify Federal expenditures that could be categorized as waste amounted to more than $844 billion. This figure does not include TARP or any other funding for the bailout of financial firms, the GSE's, AIG, or the Automotive Industry. There's plenty of room for a lot of desperately needed reform and gains in efficiency in this Country without resorting to higher levels of taxation.
On the whole Americans intuitively believe their Federal Government is wasteful; more so than either State or Local Government.
Since 1979 Gallup has been polling Americans each year on that very question, "How much money does government waste?". For 2010 the answer was at least 51%. Imagine that, Americans believe that their Federal Government pisses away 51 cents of every tax dollar they collect.
Why then does such a grossly inefficient system persist? Why do American voters continue to allow politicians to betray the public interest? Could it be the public as a whole benefits disproportionately as well? There maybe some truth there since a majority of Americans do not pay any or little Federal Taxes whatsoever but do receive significant financial benefits in return from Federal spending whether it's wasteful or not. The more the Federal Government spends the more benefit derived.
There are signs however that the electorate is beginning to understand the linkages between revenue, spending and debt and the long term consequences of too much red ink. The question though is whether or not in significant numbers of voters and how soon as to make any real difference in future outcomes.
There may also be another cultural reason why the system remains intact. It may in part have to do with the habits of Americans themselves and their own wasteful spending patterns. For the same year 2008, researchers using government records and data demonstrated that Americans in general wasted $2275 annually in food for each family of four people. In total for the year 2008 even during challenging economic conditions the amount of money wasted
from food thrown in the garbage cans in American households came to $165 BILLION and that ain't small potatoes!
Despite what the Government would have us otherwise believe, there is no good, comprehensive mechanism having both reliability and integrity to account for all of the waste in government. It is a system lacking effective feedback and any incentive for our politicians to reform when they too often profit from it. There are of course the categories of waste related to outright theft, fraud, and corruption. Easy targets when known and disclosed. There are those related to error. Then there are those in which the distinctions are blurred as to the interpretation of what constitutes waste since "one man's trash is another's treasure". Then there are "Earmarks".
To most people a $500,000 grant to study cattle farting would seem to be an obvious and obscene waste of money; yet the same grant used to study dairy herd metabolic greenhouse gas production of methane might really be worthwhile scientific research for the nation. It often comes down to the agenda and characterization made by the parties of interest, commentators and, or critics.
What our Federal Government so often fails to do however, is what the private sector does with rigor: assess the efficiency of the utilization of the money spent and evaluate the benefits derived in return.
If the Federal Government did the same comprehensively, then there'd be a helluva lot less debate over the "interpretation" of what was wasted or not. It would also make the process of spending a lot more vulnerable to both scrutiny and revelation. In turn the process of establishing priorities effectively when resources are limited would become more responsive than it is today.
But then, few politicians would warm up to those "reforms" since they could no longer benefit from the political cover and opportunities the current quagmire provides them. They have no incentive for accountability reforms when they can gain so much more presently for themselves and their financial backers with virtually no political risk to either.
For 2008 multiple efforts to identify Federal expenditures that could be categorized as waste amounted to more than $844 billion. This figure does not include TARP or any other funding for the bailout of financial firms, the GSE's, AIG, or the Automotive Industry. There's plenty of room for a lot of desperately needed reform and gains in efficiency in this Country without resorting to higher levels of taxation.
On the whole Americans intuitively believe their Federal Government is wasteful; more so than either State or Local Government.
Since 1979 Gallup has been polling Americans each year on that very question, "How much money does government waste?". For 2010 the answer was at least 51%. Imagine that, Americans believe that their Federal Government pisses away 51 cents of every tax dollar they collect.
Why then does such a grossly inefficient system persist? Why do American voters continue to allow politicians to betray the public interest? Could it be the public as a whole benefits disproportionately as well? There maybe some truth there since a majority of Americans do not pay any or little Federal Taxes whatsoever but do receive significant financial benefits in return from Federal spending whether it's wasteful or not. The more the Federal Government spends the more benefit derived.
There are signs however that the electorate is beginning to understand the linkages between revenue, spending and debt and the long term consequences of too much red ink. The question though is whether or not in significant numbers of voters and how soon as to make any real difference in future outcomes.
There may also be another cultural reason why the system remains intact. It may in part have to do with the habits of Americans themselves and their own wasteful spending patterns. For the same year 2008, researchers using government records and data demonstrated that Americans in general wasted $2275 annually in food for each family of four people. In total for the year 2008 even during challenging economic conditions the amount of money wasted
from food thrown in the garbage cans in American households came to $165 BILLION and that ain't small potatoes!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
What Obama Could Learn From Putin... Who Maybe Learned From Bush ...
“You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook.” - Harry S. Truman
There's a bit of a spat in Moscow these days having to do with Putin amassing fabulous wealth.
Wait a minute aren't these the famous "re-distribute the wealth guys"?
No? Sorry, thought I heard someone preaching about that sort of thing.
JOE WURZELBACHER, Plumber - "Your new tax plan is going tax me more, isn't it? "
OBAMA: "It's not that I want to punish your success; I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you that they've got a chance to success, too. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
Putin's been busy accumulating all sorts of expensive toys since 2000 said Boris Nemtsov, an opposition leader in a report detailing that the Russian leader Putin has a private fleet of 15 helicopters, 4 yachts, and 43 airplanes. All paid for in state Rubles for his personal travel to and from his private palaces, coastal villas, and luxury ski lodges
Nemtsov went on to describe Putin of having the opulent lifestyle of a Middle Eastern Potentate.
Tsk! Tsk! Don't politicians look and sound so silly when they argue over money ..... again!
Obama White House Toys utube link
Apparently the United Nations Doesn't Want to Mess With Syria, Either
Iran just hosted a summit of 120 Non-aligned Nations - that erstwhile group of countries that doesn't want to be seen as ass kissers, er, aligned politically with either US or Russian policies and interests; unless they can make a buck off it - NAN being a cold war era relic of superpowers braggadocio - China never made the grade, then, but expects a seat at the big boys table today.
Ban ki Moon, current UN Secretary General was asked to boycott the meeting by the US; which being one of the two "aligned" nations didn't attend either. Moon went anyway not wanting to waste frequent flyer miles he had already committed for the trip to Tehran.
Anyway Iran asked for a resolution asking the world not to meddle in Syria's affairs (that being the slaughter of dissident Syrians).
Anyhow dozens of foreign ministers of the non-aligned nations said, "Ok," by them and all of a sudden on the eve of hostilities with Israel, Iran's running at the mouth over what a great public relations coup it has scored at US expense.
I don't know about you, but frankly, the Middle eastern twisted rationales, byzantine mindset and chaotic, convoluted logic just give me a big headache!
It's a shame the region is also the world's largest weapons bazaar for the "Aligned Nations" and China, neither an aligned or non-aligned supplier of arms.
Texas Prepares for Invasion of the Ban ki Moon Blue Beanies
Lubbock county, Texas Judge Tom Head is worried that if Obama wins the election, he and Hilary Clinton have schemed to hand over US sovereignty to the United Nations through treaty. And the UN will ultimately invade Texas in order to enforce it's will.
In order to allay fears about a takeover plot a spokesman for UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon said, "Not even the United Nations would (dare) mess with Texas."
For once in its entire history the United Nations got something right!
But, "Hey TEXAS", you know how politicians lie ....don't you?
ban ki moon,
gun control,
texas united nations,
Honestly Officer ... I had no idea that Bill was loaded with pork!
Worst drivers in America are in Washington DC according to a recent national traffic safety study
Surprise, surprise... what else don't they do well in DC?
Hmmm, set national priorities intelligently based upon limited resources (read money).
I know, I know ... ask me, ask me... c'mon ask me.
In DC they're also lousy at political leadership.
Surprise, surprise... what else don't they do well in DC?
Hmmm, set national priorities intelligently based upon limited resources (read money).
I know, I know ... ask me, ask me... c'mon ask me.
In DC they're also lousy at political leadership.
2016: Obama's America - same message ... just different packaging
2016: Obama's America was the sixth best selling movie last weekend despite showing in a very limited number of theaters - 1091 nationwide.
The main message of the documentary is that Obama's political attitudes and aspirations and agendas were formed from the influences of the anti-colonial, anti-white and anti-Christian worldview of his philandering Kenyan father and a number of dedicated Marxist mentors.
Where have we heard that before? Glenn Beck, 2008
glenn beck,
obama's america
Online Consumer Reviews ... news you can use, maybe
Geez, Who knew ???
The New York Times reports that fully 30 % of online reviews of books and other consumer goods are fake.
Just as you've always suspected, the reviews are churned out by marketers and other parties at interest to create a positive impression and influence your decision to purchase.
THIS BLOG RATED (*****) 5 stars
consumer reviews,
new york times,
It's So Hard to Get Good Room Service Anymore ... Just Ask Dominique Strauss-Kahn
If it wasn't bad enough that the wildlife you had to worry about for your personal safety in our National Parks included ferocious beasts like wolves, bears, mountain lions and coyotes - now you can add the white footed deer mouse. Yup those cute little fur balls are the vector for the deadly Hantavirus through inhaled particles of their dried feces, saliva and urine.
Sadly so far 2 campers have tragically died from the disease outbreak and Yosemite Park Officials have recently warned 1700 visitors that they too have probably been exposed to the deadly virus.
But not to worry. Park spokesman, Scott Gediman, in an effort to allay public concern over the possibility of dying from an otherwise relaxing camping experience says "This is a wilderness setting. It (contracting the disease) has nothing to do with the cleanliness of the cabins."
Really ?!?
Seems It does have everything to do with rodent feces and urine IN THE CABINS !!!
Park officials said workers have been busy sealing up the cabins to keep the rodents at bay and to keep them from getting easy access.
Yeah sure, ask any housewife how well that's gonna work.
Yep, when the bureaucracy has momentum there's no stopping the determination to spend money for dubious results.
I Was Mistaken ...About Obama's Prowess as a Jobs Creator
After a dismal 4 years of high unemployment rates, Barack Obama apparently does know how to create jobs; or at least a few of them.
From the time he took office firearm industry sales are up a whopping 66%. As a consequence gun industry employment is not only steady but has actually increased.
But it's especially ironic for the anti-gunner crowd who fervently want all firearms banned. The presumed threat of what Obama would do to make guns illegal is most often cited as the most important factor driving the demand for the weapons.
firearms industry,
gun control,
job creation,
Really? Sweden has a National Spy Agency. Wow! Who Knew?
Hey, it's not just the US OMB that can throw a lavish $800,000 party - Turns out last year SAPO, the Swedish equivalent of the CIA held an opulent James Bond Theme Party costing 800 grand of public money for its spies and staff
Anders Thornberg, the head of SAPO said that doing spy stuff is just so stressful all the time. "We thought we needed a special gathering" and apparently a secret one , too!
The party came to light and public attention only after SAPO claimed more than the authorized amount in sales tax reimbursement.
You Know - One of Those Old Greek Philosopher Guys. I'm telling you his name was Polonium something or other...
Way back in 2004 and I know you recall the incident because it was on the Nightly News, Yasser Arafat the ailing 75 year old ex- rabble rouser, murderer, terrorist, all around nasty Palestinian leader supposedly had a change of heart previously and moderated his views about reconciliation with Israel.
Well, having mysteriously died in a French Hospital, though some said from a stroke, Arafat apparently also had a change of blood chemistry too.
His wife said she always suspected murder most foul by Israeli agents. She had his possessions and clothing tested recently and surprise, surprise ... the lab reported traces of radioactive polonium - the same nasty stuff Russian agents used to murder a dissident in London in 2006.
Israel, never one to hold a grudge, claims it did not "have a hand in this".
And as yet, no one has expressed any official concern as to whether rogue elements of the Swedish CIA, SAPO accounting directorate could possibly be involved....
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