Monday, October 15, 2012

Hillary Clinton responsible for Benghazi .... Uh huh !

Security failures in the Benghazi terrorist attack tragically left US Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens and 3 others dead. Tonight, Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, said she accepts personal responsibility for the outcome of the consulate assault.

Horse shit !

What exactly does she "accepts personal responsibility" actually mean? She'll tender her resignation ? Make personal restitution to the families ? Appear before Congress, under oath, and tell the truth about the entire sorry mess about her involvement and of others; especially those now squirming in the White House over the affair ?

Do all those things and I'm a believer .... Yeah, I'll hold my breath.

Travel back to the Waco, Texas siege in 1993 when then Attorney General, Janet Reno also "accepted personal responsibility" for some 10 deaths resulting from an ill-advised, overzealous government use of lethal force. Unbelievably she avoided any political consequence to her career. Since then a string of parroting politicians have performed the masterful and magical incantation "I accept responsibility" for their fuck ups and successfully dodged consequence, too. Hillary Clinton plans to be the latest.

God, how Liberal America loves contrition - sincere and otherwise.

Politicians may be many despicable things but they are quick learners; especially when it comes to their own political survival.

And let's not forget, Hillary is first and foremost a "progressive, liberal" politician - not a career, non-partisan diplomat.

What beats in her heart and toils in her brain is naked ambition and self-interest !

This is nothing more than cold calculation by Clinton and the Obama administration timed just before the 2nd Presidential debate in the belief that the public can focus on only one thing at a time and their hopes an accommodating liberal press will let the debate command the stage and let everything else be swept away from public focus and scrutiny.

Benghazi and a failed worldwide Obama foreign policy - exit stage left !

"Coverups are initiated to protect someone at the top; not protect someone at the bottom. ca " - K.T. MacFarlan, national security expert

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