Friday, October 12, 2012

Joe Biden for President ! .....

No doubt this morning many progressive Democrats are thinking about last night's vice-presidential debate along those lines - they're wondering is it really too late to swap out Obama as the presidential candidate with Biden in his place?

Biden, having won the debate, in a perverse way though has actually hurt Obama's re-election prospects.

The job last night for the vice-presidential contenders was to bolster their respective bosses'  likelihood of becoming the next president. Not to eclipse them.

Ryan got by and that's about it - neither helping and importantly for Romney not hurting him.

But the more left wing Democrats gloat over Biden "having knocked it out of the park" and having "buried Ryan" only serves to remind voters of the stark contrast of Obama's pitiful performance in the first debate - leaving even the most casually informed among them to come to the realization that Joe "the gaffe clown" might actually be a better candidate than Obama.

And Romney, for the time being, shines on.

Talk about a painful irony for liberal Democrats !

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