Monday, October 8, 2012

Obama’s Lip Service …. Women’s Issues.

Want more proof that Obama doesn’t really give a crap about women but just panders to them for their votes?

The Veterans Affairs Department reports that male soldiers rape their female counterparts in all branches of the armed services at about 1 in every 5 – meaning an estimated 20,000 women in the military are raped each year according to the Pentagon.

Secretary of Defense Panetta calls it a silent epidemic. Could it possibly be "silent" because the military has little recourse for victims to seek redress or justice ? As female service members put it "you're stuck in the service with no one to turn to for help" and if disclosed, "there's hell to pay".

Really Sec. Panetta, a silent epidemic ? All this felonious sexual assault against America’s daughters, sisters, nieces , aunts, wives and mothers serving their country in uniform - 54 rapes each and every day, 1 rape every 26 minutes and it’s a “silent” epidemic? 

How about a massive coverup for a political problem that the Obama Administration would rather just go away.

And Why? Who would stand for this intolerable condition in their own community? 

As it turns out - Liberal, Progressive America and Obama would.

In the rest of our country, in communities nationwide more than 1 rape takes place every single minute !!! And who runs America's largest cities ? Liberal progressives.

But Obama has more direct influence and control as an individual over the US military than any other single person does over any other American community. Yet, in 4 years what’s Obama as Commander in Chief done about it? In what tangible way has he exercised his authority and power to stop it? Has he publicly spoken out against it? Initiated any program to prevent it? Or, has he and his administration instead sought to keep this outrage in the military community from being publicized?

And as President what’s Obama and his administration done about the much, much larger issue of sexual assault against women in the United States ? 

If it’s an epidemic in the military then as a national atrocity 18 times larger, it’s a wildfire contagion throughout the rest of America!

And where are the Obama initiatives to combat it? They’re not even on the radar.

Obama isn’t deserving of a vote from women – he’s deserving of their contempt!

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