Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama's offended ? .... Hell, what about the rest of us !

In  last night's Presidential debate, Obama said that he found it "offensive" that anyone would suggest (dare) that either he or anyone on his team had lied about the Benghazi attack that left 4 Americans dead, "...That's not what we do. That's not what I do as President, that's not what I do as Commander in Chief."

Oh really ... Indignation coming from a proven liar ?

Well, Mr. President here's what I find offensive - you made a promise to govern all of us together, to start anew by throwing off the influence of paid lobbyists, to create a transparent government, and to bring us together to resolve our differences.

It's not just your critics who say you failed, you graded yourself a failure.

And when America desperately needed the leader you promised to be you failed in achieving anything close to the standards you yourself set. You drove a wedge deeper to divide us. You delivered to us instead a partisan ideologue - not a healer, not a reformer, not someone truly interested in the welfare of ALL Americans, but a guy who likes to make speeches filled will hollow promises.

What we got was Barack the perpetual fund raising campaigner, the partygoer, the golfer, the guy always on a family vacation, and the guy with a zillion "air miles" to and from God only knows where. 

Despite your protestations that "you work hard" what we do know is that you're not in Washington hard at work doing our business.

Your day and calendar might be occupied but you don't know what "hard work" is.

The rest of us do - our daily lives are harder, more difficult, filled with more stress and anxiety and worse now because of your failed, thoughtless policies and politics, and your overall ineptitude and incompetence as a leader.

When the rest of America has trouble putting 2 dimes together, you're living the high life at our expense on the public dime - only it's not pocket change you're diverting from our Treasury - your parties, your golfing, your family vacations, your travel, your entourage, your travel and accommodations, and your security  - all the personal perquisites you claim for yourself cost the rest of us 1.2 billion dollars a year !

Are you still tone deaf ? An astounding 1.2 billion a year for your larks !

All the while 23 million of the rest of us can't find good work and 47 million Americans depend upon food stamps to put food on the family table.

If I could have had any say whether that 1.2 billion was spent on coddling your ass, or having America's starving children go to bed with a full belly and warm roof over their heads - it'd be no contest.

No Obama ..... What's truly, truly offensive to me is  .... You !!!

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