Friday, January 18, 2013

What Harry Reid Thinks of Americans …. You Stink!

No, literally, Harry Reid says you smell – at least those Americans he’s had occasion to come into contact with at the US Capitol before the visitor’s center was opened in 2008.

"My staff tells me not to say this, but I'm going to say it anyway," said Reid in his remarks. "In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol."

Any signs that Reid has since mellowed about his disdain for Mr. & Mrs. Joe America ? Not if you consider that the Senate majority leader has promised Senators that rather than going on public record with their votes - votes which could subsequently damage their future political “careers” - Reid has promised Democrats they won’t have to vote on “hard” issues. Meaning those problems that need urgent attention will not be dealt with in the US Senate if Reid determines the measures would be defeated by a Republican controlled House of Representatives anyway. 

Hey, just what we need with America in crisis - rather than provide bi-partisan leadership and solutions Reid wants to provide partisan political “cover”. 

He is the promoter and enabler of cowardice in the Senate at a time when Senators should be voting their convictions on the issues confronting the country.

Nor has Harry Reid lessened his disdain, if you believe the country should operate with a budget as required by law. 

Why do we need a federal budget anyway? Because the annual budget is the starting point and the best hope of bringing revenues and spending into balance for the year. And why is a balanced budget important ? It’s been estimated that our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) would be 3 to 6 % higher annually if our government operated within a balanced budget – and a growing GDP means a growing economy, jobs, and incomes. Not inconsequential issues in these “lean” times.

And because our leadership, Harry Reid in particular, but other politicians as well, don’t have the moral courage and character to deal with the issues of out of control spending forthrightly and due to their malfeasance, the cost to future generations is staggering – every American child at current deficit spending limits born after 2011 already owes more than $46,000 to our nation’s creditors – and that reprehensible, son of a bitch, Harry Reid knows it … understands it … and is one of the prime reasons for that calamity in the first place - having personally blocked passage of a federal budget for nearly 4 years.

For, you see, when a federal budget is not passed the government continues to remain open, do business, and pay bills by passing a series of “appropriations bills" – and guess what gets stuck onto those? Yep, they’re salted with “pork barrel spending” items that usually amount to some sort of political payoff with taxpayer dollars. The fingers and palms in Congress are well-greased.

And guess who the most obscene “porker” both for himself and his party is in the Congress ? – you got it ….HARRY REID !!!

"The only way to get Congress to balance the budget is to give them no choice. The only way to keep them out of the cookie jar is to give them no choice .... whether it's balanced budget acts or pay as you go legislation ... it's the only thing. IF YOU DON'T TIE OUR HANDS, WE'LL KEEP STEALING." -- Rep. Tom Perriello (D-VA) March 16, 2010

So, America … Not only does Harry Reid think you stink …. he also believes that you’re too ignorant to give a damn about whether he and his buddies keep on robbing you blind.

And one last little stab of salt for the wound – Obama /jarrett recently signed an executive order giving Reid and the rest of Congress raises effective March 27th as a reward to a do-nothing group of legislators. Meanwhile because of increased payroll taxes, you, in the private sector will likely experience a reduction in your paycheck, while the average member of Congress will see a rise in their incomes of about $900 - with, of course, Harry Reid’s slice of the plum pie being larger. Additionally, because, by law Congress can’t raise its own pay more than that of other federal workers, everyone else working for the government will see larger paychecks too. About a billion tax dollars now and over 11 billion for the next 10 years.

 Ain’t it all grand America !

Senator Harry Reid, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi .... The best examples of why term limits are necessary !  

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - nitwit extraordinaire

 Obama, the Art of the Lie .... not one dime!

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